
Volume 21, Number 1 (2024)



Developing students’ civic responsibility using blended learning model with an asynchronous system
Cahyono Cahyono, Endang Danial, Rahmat Rahmat, Iim Siti Masyitoh, and Asep Darojatul Romli

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.67361


Development of a hybrid reflective micro learning model based on ICT in Micro Teaching courses
Emil El Faisal, Sani Safitri, Puspa Dianti, Dea Lestari, and Sulkipani Sulkipani

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.68070


The effect of digital citizenship on the quality learning civic education
Riza Alrakhman, Dasim Budimansyah, Sapriya Sapriya, and Rahmat Rahmat

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.67086


A shift of inheritance tradition in Batak migrant communities in Yogyakarta
Setiati Widihastuti, Iffah Nurhayati, Puji Wulandari Kuncorowati, and Chandra Dewi Puspitasari

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.71621


Enforcement of spatial planning laws in controlling spatial use permits in Yogyakarta
Puji Wulandari Kuncorowati, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, and Rahayu Subekti

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.70161


Inclusiveness of citizens' roles in its development through MBKM Curriculum in higher education
Wahyuningtyas Nilam Sari and Sutirman Sutirman

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.65698


Strengthening digital citizenship through discourse analysis of presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the 2024 Presidential Election
Budi Mulyono, Winda Trilatifah, Ari Nasichuddin, Irwan Syambudi, and Diana Trisnawati

DOI: . 10.21831/jc.v21i1.71620


Navigating online learning for citizenship education through parenthood in the digital era
Lili Halimah, Oom Yomi Romlah, Heni Heryani, and Lilis Setiawati

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.71621


Innovation in civic education learning model to improve national defense skills in college students
Fathikah Fauziah Hanum, Mukhammad Murdiono, and Suyato Suyato

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.67165


Harmonization of Indonesia-Malaysia border communities based on socio-culture
Idham Azwar, Fety Novianty, and Yuliananingsih Yuliananingsih

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.68478


Embracing multiculturalism: Exploring cultural values among students in the global era
Ernawati Simatupang, Jusmin Jusmin, Roni Andri Pramita, Lestari Lestari, Aldilla Yulia Willies, and Taha Romadhan Zaghloul

DOI: I. 10.21831/jc.v21i1.68900


Polygamy in the context of family law and the crisis of civic responsibility
Mirna Taufik, Nina Damayanti, and Giyanto Giyanto

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.66423


Increasing the development of national ideological values from an early age through family education
Sri Sulistijaningsih, Encep Syarif Nurdin, Puji Yanti Fauziah, Adin Ariyanti Dewi, and Gumpanat Boriboon

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.67887


Regulating constitutional complaint cases is the authority of the constitutional court
Ni Ketut Sari Adnyani, I Wayan Landrawan, and Dewa Ayu Eka Agustini

DOI: 10.21831/jc.v21i1.66414


Yayuk Hidayah, Indonesia
Iqbal Arpannudin, Indonesia
Johan Dwi Saputro, Indonesia
Thelma Chansa Chanda, Zambia
Dirk Lange, Austria