
Volume 9, Number 2 (2023) All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 27 authors from 4 countries (Indonesia, South Africa, United Kingdom, and Uzbekistan).



Smartphone application for assessing teacher performance
Hesty Marlianawati, Suranto Suranto, and Badrun Kartowagiran

DOI: 10.21831/reid.v9i2.52384


The development of measurement instruments of Sharia students' perceptions about Khilafah
Joko Subando, Muhammad Kurniawan Budi Wibowo, and Farkhani Farkhani

DOI: 10.21831/reid.v9i2.63966


An evaluation of the level of financial reporting compliance of public schools in Kwazulu-Natal
Haruna Maama, Amos Zungu, Alexander Markey Oluka, and Ferina Marimuthu

DOI: 10.21831/reid.v9i2.62605


Development and validation of a self-assessment-based instrument to measure elementary school students' attitudes in online learning
Ari Setiawan, Wiputra Cendana, Mark Ayres, Azim Abdurakhmanovich Yuldashev, and Sri Panca Setyawati

DOI: 10.21831/reid.v9i2.52083


Determinant factors affecting the research performance of lecturers receiving external funds
Haryanto Haryanto, Nur Kholis, Samsul Hadi, Ezi Apino, Muh. Asriadi AM, and Cerry Kartika Trizkyana

DOI: 10.21831/reid.v9i2.68457


Revealing the characteristics of Indonesian language test used in the national-standardized school examinations
Marwah Ulwatunnisa, Heri Retnawati, Muhardis Muhardis, and Eri Yusron

DOI: 10.21831/reid.v9i2.31999

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