


Peer Review Process
All manuscripts undergo peer review and must meet high standards of academic excellence. Once approved by the editor, submissions are evaluated by peer reviewers, whose identities remain anonymous to the authors and vice versa (Double-blind peer review). The editorial board is responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript, based on the reviewers' recommendations (peer-reviewed process). Our Research Integrity team may occasionally seek external advice beyond standard peer review for submissions with significant ethical, security, biosecurity, or societal implications. This may involve consulting experts, the academic editor, or additional reviewers with specific expertise, and could include deciding not to pursue a submission further.

Open Access Policy
The journal operates as an Open Access platform. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/]. This license permits readers to copy, distribute, and transmit the work, as well as to alter, transform, or build upon the contribution for commercial purposes, provided that appropriate credit is given to the original author(s) and source. For further details, please refer to the full license at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.

Advertising Policy
At present, the journal does not publish any advertisements.

Consent for Publication
For all manuscripts that contain details or images related to individual persons, written informed consent for publication must be obtained from the individual (or their parent or legal guardian if the individual is under 18 years of age). This consent must be granted under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, allowing the information to be freely accessible on the internet. In cases where the individual is deceased, consent must be obtained from their next of kin. The manuscript must include a statement confirming that written informed consent for publication has been obtained.
Authors may use a standard consent form for this purpose or an appropriate consent form from their institution or region. The consent form must clearly indicate that the details or images will be publicly available on the internet and accessible to the general public. This consent form should be provided to the Editor upon request and will be handled with confidentiality.

A submitted manuscript is regarded as confidential. Academic Journals will not disclose submitted manuscripts to anyone outside of those involved in the processing and preparation for publication, including editorial staff, the corresponding author, potential and actual reviewers, and editors. However, in cases of suspected misconduct, the manuscript may be shared with members of the Academic Journals' ethics committees and with institutions or organizations that require it to investigate the matter. Academic Journals will follow the applicable COPE flowcharts as necessary.

Copyright Policy
Who Can Submit?
Any individual may submit an original manuscript for consideration for publication in REID (Research and Evaluation in Education) as long as they hold the copyright to the work or are authorized by the copyright owner(s) to submit it. Authors retain initial ownership of the copyrights to their works prior to publication, except in cases where, as a condition of employment, they have agreed to transfer copyright to their employer.

User Rights
REID (Research and Evaluation in Education) is an Open Access journal. Users are granted the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, provided they comply with the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Author Rights
This journal operates under a non-exclusive licensing agreement. Authors will assign copyright to REID (Research and Evaluation in Education) while retaining publishing and distribution rights.

Desk Rejection Policy

  1. The topic or scope of the study is not relevant to the journal's field.
  2. There are issues related to publication ethics, non-compliance with international standard guidelines, and instances of plagiarism (with a similarity index exceeding 30 percent).
  3. The topic lacks sufficient impact and does not contribute new knowledge to the field.
  4. There are flaws in the study design.
  5. The objective of the study is not clearly articulated.
  6. The study's organization is problematic, and certain components may be missing.
  7. There are issues with writing quality or consistent grammatical errors.
  8. The manuscript does not adhere to the journal's submission guidelines.

The journal mandates that authors disclose all sources of funding and financial support within their manuscript. Authors should detail the role of any sponsors in all stages of the study, from design to manuscript submission. If the sponsors had no involvement, this should be explicitly stated. Authors must ensure that this information is accurate and aligns with the requirements set by their funders.

Images and Figures
Images and figures should be included in your article only if they are relevant and add value to the reported work. Please avoid incorporating purely illustrative content that does not enhance the scholarly contribution.

As part of the Journal Author Publishing Agreement, you are required to obtain written permission for any material included in your article that is copyrighted by a third party. This encompasses, but is not limited to, proprietary text, illustrations, tables, data, audio, video, film stills, screenshots, musical notation, and supplementary materials. Please use this Consent Form to obtain the necessary permissions.

The journal takes all forms of misconduct seriously and will take appropriate actions, in accordance with COPE guidelines, to uphold the integrity of the scholarly record. Examples of misconduct include (but are not limited to):

  • Affiliation misrepresentation
  • Breaches in copyright/use of third-party material without appropriate permissions
  • Citation manipulation
  • Duplicate submission/publication
  • “Ethics dumping”
  • Image or data manipulation/fabrication
  • Peer review manipulation
  • Plagiarism
  • Text-recycling/self-plagiarism
  • Undisclosed competing interests
  • Unethical research

Duplicate Submission/Publication
Authors must declare upon submission that the manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere. The detection of a duplicate submission or publication is generally regarded as a deliberate act, including articles previously published in another language. For permissible secondary submissions or publications (e.g., a translated article), authors must obtain permission from the publisher and copyright holder of the original work and inform the editor of the receiving journal about the history of the original article. Furthermore, it must be clearly indicated to readers that the manuscript is a translated version, with a citation to the original article included.

Manuscripts that are found to be published elsewhere or under review at another journal will face sanctions for duplicate submission or publication. If authors use their own previously published work or work currently under review as the basis for a new manuscript, they must cite the prior work and clearly articulate how the new manuscript offers novel contributions beyond those presented in the earlier publication.

Redundant Publications
Redundant publications refer to the inappropriate practice of dividing study outcomes into multiple articles, resulting in the publication of the same research findings in more than one paper.

Citation Manipulation
Manuscripts that include citations primarily aimed at artificially inflating the number of citations for a specific author's work or for articles published in a particular journal will face sanctions for citation manipulation.

Data Fabrication and Falsification
Manuscripts found to have fabricated or falsified experimental results, including image manipulation, will be subject to sanctions for data fabrication and falsification.

Improper Author Contribution or Attribution
All listed authors must have made a substantial scientific contribution to the research presented in the manuscript and must approve all claims made within it. It is essential to include everyone who has made a significant scientific contribution, such as students and laboratory technicians, in the authorship list.

Image manipulation
Deliberate manipulation or fabrication of images constitutes a serious form of misconduct intended to mislead and undermine the integrity of the scholarly record, with significant and lasting repercussions. The journal mandates that all images in manuscripts be accurate and free from manipulation. Any features within an image should not be enhanced, obscured, moved, removed, or added without explicit notification of the alterations. Adjustments to brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable only if they do not obscure, alter, or misrepresent the original information.

When images from different sections of gels, Western blots, or microscopy are combined, this must be clearly indicated in the figure arrangement or legend. If the original, unedited images cannot be provided upon request, the manuscript or published paper may be declined or retracted.

Preprints Policy
Authors can share their preprint anywhere at any time. If accepted for publication, we encourage authors to link from the preprint to their formal publication via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Authors can update their preprints on arXiv or RePEc, etc. with their accepted manuscript.

Special Issues
The topics for Special Issues of REID (Research and Evaluation in Education), if applicable, are determined by the editorial team and are typically announced at the start of each year. Submissions for these Special Issues adhere to the same procedures and author guidelines as those for regular issues. Prospective authors are encouraged to carefully review all submission guidelines and comply with the established process. The editorial team specifies the themes for Special Issues, and a call for submissions is generally included in that year's Special Issue announcement.

Appointment of Guest Editors
Guest Editors for special issues are selected based on their expertise, academic standing, and previous editorial experience. Nominations may be submitted by members of the journal's editorial board, current editors, or through self-nomination. These nominations are then evaluated by the editorial board and must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief. Guest Editors are tasked with defining the scope of the special issue, drafting the call for papers, managing manuscript submissions, overseeing the peer review process, ensuring the quality and originality of the submissions, and making final decisions regarding manuscript acceptance in collaboration with the Editor-in-Chief.

Setup of Special Issues
To launch a special issue, a comprehensive proposal must be submitted that details the theme, objectives, target audience, potential Guest Editors, and a timeline. This proposal undergoes review and approval by the journal's editorial board and the Editor-in-Chief. Upon approval, a call for papers is issued and disseminated through various channels. A clear timeline is set for manuscript submission, peer review, and publication to ensure that the special issue is consistent with the journal’s regular publication schedule.

Editorial and Review Process
Manuscripts intended for special issues are submitted via the journal's online submission system, where they are initially screened by the Guest Editors to verify their alignment with the special issue's scope and adherence to basic quality standards. Subsequently, the manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process, with reviewers selected based on their expertise. Authors are required to revise their manuscripts in response to reviewer feedback and may resubmit them for additional review if necessary. The Guest Editors provide recommendations for acceptance or rejection, with final decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief. Once accepted, manuscripts are formatted, proofread, and published in accordance with the journal’s guidelines. The special issue is promoted through the journal's distribution channels, and post-publication metrics and feedback are monitored to inform the planning of future special issues.

What Is the Review Process and What Are the Guidelines for Special Issues?
All submissions, including those for special issues, follow the same submission process and author guidelines as other issues of REID (Research and Evaluation in Education). Prospective authors are encouraged to review all submission guidelines and adhere to the specified procedures. Special issues are reviewed and published in the same manner as regular journal issues. The editorial team selects the topics for special issues, and a call for submissions is typically included in the announcement of the current year's special issue.

Publication Timing & Review Process
Submissions to REID (Research and Evaluation in Education) are accepted on an ongoing basis and must conform to the specified submission types and the comprehensive author guidelines provided. The journal will publish any special issues at a later date that is yet to be determined. Manuscripts are considered for inclusion in a forthcoming issue once they are deemed ready for publication, rather than solely based on their submission date. All issues of REID, including special issues, follow the same editorial and review processes and adhere to the guidelines outlined herein. We encourage and welcome your submissions.

Standards of Reporting
Research should be communicated in a manner that facilitates verification and reproducibility. Therefore, we encourage authors to offer detailed descriptions of their research rationale, protocols, methodologies, and analyses.

Use of Third-party Material
The inclusion of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, and similar terms in this publication, even if not explicitly identified, does not imply that these names are not protected under applicable laws and regulations. The submitting author is responsible for securing any necessary permissions for the reuse of copyrighted materials included in the manuscript. While the advice and information presented in this journal are believed to be accurate and true at the time of publication, the authors, editors, and publisher cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may arise. The publisher provides no warranties, express or implied, concerning the material contained in this publication.

Use of Generative AI and AI-assisted Technologies in Writing
Authors who utilize AI and AI-assisted technologies in their writing should focus on enhancing readability and language rather than substituting critical authorial tasks, such as generating scientific, pedagogical, or medical insights, drawing scientific conclusions, or making clinical recommendations. The application of such technology must always be supervised and managed by humans, with all work thoroughly reviewed and edited. While AI can produce content that seems authoritative, it may also be incorrect, incomplete, or biased. Ultimately, authors hold responsibility and accountability for the content they generate.

Authors are required to disclose their use of AI and AI-assisted technologies in their manuscripts, including a statement in the published work to this effect. This transparency fosters trust among authors, readers, reviewers, editors, and contributors, while also ensuring compliance with the terms of use for the relevant tools or technologies.

Additionally, authors should refrain from attributing authorship to AI or listing it as a co-author, as authorship entails responsibilities and tasks that only humans can fulfill. Each author is accountable for addressing questions regarding the accuracy or integrity of the work, approving the final version, and consenting to its submission. Furthermore, authors must ensure the originality of the work, confirm that all listed authors meet the authorship criteria, and guarantee that the work does not infringe upon the rights of third parties.

Use of AI in Peer Review
To safeguard authors' rights and uphold research confidentiality, this journal prohibits the use of Generative AI or AI-assisted technologies, including ChatGPT and similar services, in the peer review process. We are currently evaluating AI tools that align with our standards and may revise this policy in the future.