

e-learning, satisfaction, usage-based metrics, SUS

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Nowadays, in the pandemic of COVID-19, e-learning systems have been widely used to facilitate teaching and learning processes between lecturers and students. Assessing lecturers' and students' satisfaction with e-learning systems has become essential in improving the quality of education for higher learning institutions. Most existing approaches have attempted to assess users' satisfaction based on System Usability Scale (SUS). On the other hand, different studies proposed usage-based metrics (completion rate, task duration, and mouse or cursor distance) which assess users' satisfaction based on how they use and interact with the system. However, the cursor or mouse distance metric does not consider the effectiveness of navigation in e-learning systems, and such approaches measure either lecturers' or students' satisfaction independently. Towards this end, we propose a lostness metric to replace the click or cursor distance metric for assessing lecturers' and students' satisfaction with using e-learning systems. Furthermore, to obtain a deep analysis of users' satisfaction, we tandem the usage-based metric (i.e., completion rate, task duration, and lostness) and the SUS metric. The evaluation results indicate that the proposed approach can precisely predict users' satisfaction with e-learning systems.

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