Volume 1, Number 2 (2015)
Front Matter
The effectiveness of English teaching program in senior high school: A case study
Alfred Irambona and Kumaidi Kumaidi
DOI: 10.21831/reid.v1i2.6666
Developing a model of competency and expertise certification tests for vocational high school students
Pardjono Pardjono, Sugiyono Sugiyono, and Aris Budiyono
DOI: 10.21831/reid.v1i2.6517
Evaluation of the bridging course offered at a university to foreign students: Batches of 2012 and 2013
Beatriz Eugenia Orantes Perez and Djemari Mardapi
DOI: 10.21831/reid.v1i2.6667
The effectiveness of microcontroller instructional system through simulation program method by using trainer kit
Edidas Edidas and Jalius Jama
DOI: 10.21831/reid.v1i2.6970
The effectiveness of web-based interactive blended learning model in electrical engineering courses
Hansi Effendi, Soenarto Soenarto, and Herminarto Sofyan
DOI: 10.21831/reid.v1i2.7140
A formative assessment model of critical thinking in mathematics learning in junior high school
R Rosnawati, Badrun Kartowagiran, and Jailani Jailani
DOI: 10.21831/reid.v1i2.6472
The use of Malcolm Baldridge method for formulating strategic planning in the technological and vocational education
Suharno Suharno, Sukamto Sukamto, and Sutarto Sutarto
DOI: 10.21831/reid.v1i2.6500
Implementation of digital learning using interactive multimedia in excretory system with virtual laboratory
Heru Setiawan, Wiwi Isnaeni, F. Putut Martin Herry Budijantoro, and Aditya Marianti
DOI: 10.21831/reid.v1i2.6501
Back Matter