peer assessment, pre-instructional activities, perceptions, Statistical Methods, higher education
Document Type
There has been strong interest among higher education institution in implementing technology-enhanced peer assessment as a tool for enhancing students' learning. However, little is known on how to use the peer assessment system in pre-instructional activities. This study aims to explore how technology-enhanced peer assessment can be embedded into pre-instructional activities to enhance students' learning. Therefore, the present study was an explorative descriptive study that used the qualitative approach to attain the research aim. This study used a questionnaire, students' reflections, and interview in collecting student's perceptions toward the interventions. The results suggest that the technology-enhanced pre-instructional peer assessment helps students to prepare the new content acquisition and become a source of students' motivation in improving their learning performance for the following main body of the lesson. A set of practical suggestions is also proposed for designing and implementing technology-enhanced pre-instructional peer assessment.
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Kristanto, Y. D. (2018). Technology-enhanced pre-instructional peer assessment: Exploring students' perceptions in a Statistical Methods course. REID (Research and Evaluation in Education), 4(2).
Alfieri, L., Nokes-Malach, T. J., & Schunn, C. D. (2013). Learning through case comparisons: A meta-analytic review. Educational Psychologist, 48(2), 87-113.
Ashton, S., & Davies, R. S. (2015). Using scaffolded rubrics to improve peer assessment in a MOOC writing course. Distance Education, 36(3), 312-334.
Bluman, A. G. (2012). Elementary statistics: A step by step approach (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Brindley, C., & Scoffield, S. (1998). Peer assessment in undergraduate programmes. Teaching in Higher Education, 3(1), 79-90.
Chen, Y., & Tsai, C. (2009). An educational research course facilitated by online peer assessment. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 46(1), 105-117.
Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (1999). Peer and teacher assessment of the oral and written tasks of a group project. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 24(3), 301-314.
Chi, M. T. H. (1996). Constructing self-explanations and scaffolded explanations in tutoring. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 10(7), 33-49.<33::AID-ACP436>3.0.CO;2-E
Cho, K., Schunn, C. D., & Wilson, R. W. (2006). Validity and reliability of scaffolded peer assessment of writing from instructor and student perspectives. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(4), 891-901.
Conner, K. (2015). Investigating diagnostic preassessments. Mathematics Teacher, 108(7), 536-542.
Davies, P. (2000). Computerized peer assessment. Innovations in Education and Training International, 37(4), 346-355.
Davies, R., & Berrow, T. (1998). An evaluation of the use of computer supported peer review for developing higher-level skills. Computers & Education, 30(1), 111-115.
Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. O. (2015). Systematic design of instruction (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Dooley, J. F. (2009). Peer assessments using the moodle workshop tool. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (Vol. 41, pp. 344-344). New York, NY: ACM.
Friese, S. (2014). Qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti (2nd ed.). London: SAGE.
Gagné, R. M., Briggs, L. J., & Wager, W. W. (1992). Principles of instructional design (4th ed.). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College.
Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. London: FEU.
Gielen, M., & De Wever, B. (2015). Structuring the peer assessment process: A multilevel approach for the impact on product improvement and peer feedback quality. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 31(5), 435-449.
Haaga, D. A. F. (1993). Peer review of term papers in graduate psychology courses. Teaching of Psychology, 20(1), 28-32.
Hafner, J., & Hafner, P. (2003). Quantitative analysis of the rubric as an assessment tool: An empirical study of student peer“group rating. International Journal of Science Education, 25(12), 1509-1528.
Hanrahan, S. J., & Isaacs, G. (2001). Assessing self- and peer-assessment: The students' views. Higher Education Research & Development, 20(1), 53-70.
Hwang, G.-J., Hung, C.-Ming, & Chen, N.-S. (2014). Improving learning achievements, motivations and problem-solving skills through a peer assessment-based game development approach. Educational Technology Research and Development, 62(2), 129-145.
Jenkins, M. (2005). Unfulilled Promise: Formative assessment using computer-aided assessment. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, (1), 67-80.
Jones, I., & Alcock, L. (2014). Peer assessment without assessment criteria. Studies in Higher Education, 39(10), 1774-1787.
Jonsson, A., & Svingby, G. (2007). The use of scoring rubrics: Reliability, validity and educational consequences. Educational Research Review, 2(2), 130-144.
Jungić, V., Kaur, H., Mulholland, J., & Xin, C. (2015). On flipping the classroom in large first year calculus courses. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 46(4), 508-520.
Kwok, R. C. W., & Ma, J. (1999). Use of a group support system for collaborative assessment. Computers & Education, 32(2), 109-125.
Lee, A. Y., & Hutchison, L. (1998). Improving learning from examples through reflection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 4(3), 187-210.
Liu, E. Z.-F., Lin, S. S. J., Chiu, C.-H., & Yuan, S.-M. (2001). Web-based peer review: The learner as both adapter and reviewer. IEEE Transactions on Education, 44(3), 246-251.
Liu, N.-F., & Carless, D. (2006). Peer feedback: The learning element of peer assessment. Teaching in Higher Education, 11(3), 279-290.
Loch, B., Jordan, C. R., Lowe, T. W., & Mestel, B. D. (2014). Do screencasts help to revise prerequisite mathematics? An investigation of student performance and perception. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45(2), 256-268.
Love, B., Hodge, A., Corritore, C., & Ernst, D. C. (2015). Inquiry-based learning and the flipped classroom model. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 25(8), 745-762.
Mowl, G., & Pain, R. (1995). Using self and peer assessment to improve students' essay writing: A case study from geography. Innovations in Education and Training International, 32(4), 324-335.
Nastasi, B. K., & Clements, D. H. (1992). Social-cognitive behaviors and higher-order thinking in educational computer environments. Learning and Instruction, 2(3), 215-238.
Nicol, D. J., & Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006). Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: A model and seven principles of good feedback practice. Studies in Higher Education, 31(2), 199-218.
Patchan, M. M., Schunn, C. D., & Clark, R. J. (2018). Accountability in peer assessment: Examining the effects of reviewing grades on peer ratings and peer feedback. Studies in Higher Education, 43(12), 2263-2278.
Peter, E. E. (2012). Critical thinking: Essence for teaching mathematics and mathematics problem solving skills. African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, 5(3), 39-43.
Reinholz, D. (2016). The assessment cycle: A model for learning through peer assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41(2), 301-315.
Scott, F. J. (2017). A simulated peer-assessment approach to improve students' performance in numerical problem-solving questions in high school biology. Journal of Biological Education, 51(2), 107-122.
Sheatsley, P. B. (1983). Questionnaire construction and item writing. In P. H. Rossi, J. D. Wright, & A. B. Anderson (Eds.), Handbook of survey research (pp. 195-230). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Silver, H. F. (2010). Compare & contrast: Teaching comparative thinking to strengthen student learning (A strategic teacher PLC guide). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.
Stefani, L. A. J. (1994). Peer, self and tutor assessment: Relative reliabilities. Studies in Higher Education, 19(1), 69-75.
Strang, K. D. (2013). Determining the consistency of student grading in a Hybrid Business course using a LMS and statistical software. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT), 8(2), 58-76.
Sun, D. L., Harris, N., Walther, G., & Baiocchi, M. (2015). Peer assessment enhances student learning: The results of a matched randomized crossover experiment in a college statistics class. PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0143177.
Tanner, H., & Jones, S. (1994). Using peer and self-assessment to develop modelling skills with students aged 11 to 16: A socio-constructive view. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 27(4), 413-431.
Topping, K. (1998). Peer assessment between students in colleges and universities. Review of Educational Research, 68(3), 249-276.
Triola, M. F. (2012). Elementary statistics technology update (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-Wisley.
van Woerkom, M. (2010). Critical reflection as a rationalistic ideal. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(4), 339-356.
Wain, A. (2017). Learning through reflection. British Journal of Midwifery, 25(10), 662-666.
Wen, M. L., & Tsai, C.-C. (2006). University students' perceptions of and attitudes toward (online) peer assessment. Higher Education, 51(1), 27-44.
Willey, K., & Gardner, A. (2010). Investigating the capacity of self and peer assessment activities to engage students and promote learning. European Journal of Engineering Education, 35(4), 429-443.
Yang, Y.-F., & Tsai, C.-C. (2010). Conceptions of and approaches to learning through online peer assessment. Learning and Instruction, 20(1), 72-83.
Alfieri, L., Nokes-Malach, T. J., & Schunn, C. D. (2013). Learning through case comparisons: A meta-analytic review. Educational Psychologist, 48(2), 87-113.
Ashton, S., & Davies, R. S. (2015). Using scaffolded rubrics to improve peer assessment in a MOOC writing course. Distance Education, 36(3), 312-334.
Bluman, A. G. (2012). Elementary statistics: A step by step approach (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Brindley, C., & Scoffield, S. (1998). Peer assessment in undergraduate programmes. Teaching in Higher Education, 3(1), 79-90.
Chen, Y., & Tsai, C. (2009). An educational research course facilitated by online peer assessment. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 46(1), 105-117.
Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (1999). Peer and teacher assessment of the oral and written tasks of a group project. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 24(3), 301-314.
Chi, M. T. H. (1996). Constructing self-explanations and scaffolded explanations in tutoring. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 10(7), 33-49.<33::AID-ACP436>3.0.CO;2-E
Cho, K., Schunn, C. D., & Wilson, R. W. (2006). Validity and reliability of scaffolded peer assessment of writing from instructor and student perspectives. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(4), 891-901.
Conner, K. (2015). Investigating diagnostic preassessments. Mathematics Teacher, 108(7), 536-542.
Davies, P. (2000). Computerized peer assessment. Innovations in Education and Training International, 37(4), 346-355.
Davies, R., & Berrow, T. (1998). An evaluation of the use of computer supported peer review for developing higher-level skills. Computers & Education, 30(1), 111-115.
Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. O. (2015). Systematic design of instruction (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Dooley, J. F. (2009). Peer assessments using the moodle workshop tool. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (Vol. 41, pp. 344-344). New York, NY: ACM.
Friese, S. (2014). Qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti (2nd ed.). London: SAGE.
Gagné, R. M., Briggs, L. J., & Wager, W. W. (1992). Principles of instructional design (4th ed.). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College.
Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. London: FEU.
Gielen, M., & De Wever, B. (2015). Structuring the peer assessment process: A multilevel approach for the impact on product improvement and peer feedback quality. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 31(5), 435-449.
Haaga, D. A. F. (1993). Peer review of term papers in graduate psychology courses. Teaching of Psychology, 20(1), 28-32.
Hafner, J., & Hafner, P. (2003). Quantitative analysis of the rubric as an assessment tool: An empirical study of student peer“group rating. International Journal of Science Education, 25(12), 1509-1528.
Hanrahan, S. J., & Isaacs, G. (2001). Assessing self- and peer-assessment: The students' views. Higher Education Research & Development, 20(1), 53-70.
Hwang, G.-J., Hung, C.-Ming, & Chen, N.-S. (2014). Improving learning achievements, motivations and problem-solving skills through a peer assessment-based game development approach. Educational Technology Research and Development, 62(2), 129-145.
Jenkins, M. (2005). Unfulilled Promise: Formative assessment using computer-aided assessment. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, (1), 67-80.
Jones, I., & Alcock, L. (2014). Peer assessment without assessment criteria. Studies in Higher Education, 39(10), 1774-1787.
Jonsson, A., & Svingby, G. (2007). The use of scoring rubrics: Reliability, validity and educational consequences. Educational Research Review, 2(2), 130-144.
Jungić, V., Kaur, H., Mulholland, J., & Xin, C. (2015). On flipping the classroom in large first year calculus courses. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 46(4), 508-520.
Kwok, R. C. W., & Ma, J. (1999). Use of a group support system for collaborative assessment. Computers & Education, 32(2), 109-125.
Lee, A. Y., & Hutchison, L. (1998). Improving learning from examples through reflection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 4(3), 187-210.
Liu, E. Z.-F., Lin, S. S. J., Chiu, C.-H., & Yuan, S.-M. (2001). Web-based peer review: The learner as both adapter and reviewer. IEEE Transactions on Education, 44(3), 246-251.
Liu, N.-F., & Carless, D. (2006). Peer feedback: The learning element of peer assessment. Teaching in Higher Education, 11(3), 279-290.
Loch, B., Jordan, C. R., Lowe, T. W., & Mestel, B. D. (2014). Do screencasts help to revise prerequisite mathematics? An investigation of student performance and perception. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45(2), 256-268.
Love, B., Hodge, A., Corritore, C., & Ernst, D. C. (2015). Inquiry-based learning and the flipped classroom model. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 25(8), 745-762.
Mowl, G., & Pain, R. (1995). Using self and peer assessment to improve students' essay writing: A case study from geography. Innovations in Education and Training International, 32(4), 324-335.
Nastasi, B. K., & Clements, D. H. (1992). Social-cognitive behaviors and higher-order thinking in educational computer environments. Learning and Instruction, 2(3), 215-238.
Nicol, D. J., & Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006). Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: A model and seven principles of good feedback practice. Studies in Higher Education, 31(2), 199-218.
Patchan, M. M., Schunn, C. D., & Clark, R. J. (2018). Accountability in peer assessment: Examining the effects of reviewing grades on peer ratings and peer feedback. Studies in Higher Education, 43(12), 2263-2278.
Peter, E. E. (2012). Critical thinking: Essence for teaching mathematics and mathematics problem solving skills. African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, 5(3), 39-43.
Reinholz, D. (2016). The assessment cycle: A model for learning through peer assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41(2), 301-315.
Scott, F. J. (2017). A simulated peer-assessment approach to improve students' performance in numerical problem-solving questions in high school biology. Journal of Biological Education, 51(2), 107-122.
Sheatsley, P. B. (1983). Questionnaire construction and item writing. In P. H. Rossi, J. D. Wright, & A. B. Anderson (Eds.), Handbook of survey research (pp. 195-230). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Silver, H. F. (2010). Compare & contrast: Teaching comparative thinking to strengthen student learning (A strategic teacher PLC guide). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.
Stefani, L. A. J. (1994). Peer, self and tutor assessment: Relative reliabilities. Studies in Higher Education, 19(1), 69-75.
Strang, K. D. (2013). Determining the consistency of student grading in a Hybrid Business course using a LMS and statistical software. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT), 8(2), 58-76.
Sun, D. L., Harris, N., Walther, G., & Baiocchi, M. (2015). Peer assessment enhances student learning: The results of a matched randomized crossover experiment in a college statistics class. PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0143177.
Tanner, H., & Jones, S. (1994). Using peer and self-assessment to develop modelling skills with students aged 11 to 16: A socio-constructive view. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 27(4), 413-431.
Topping, K. (1998). Peer assessment between students in colleges and universities. Review of Educational Research, 68(3), 249-276.
Triola, M. F. (2012). Elementary statistics technology update (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-Wisley.
van Woerkom, M. (2010). Critical reflection as a rationalistic ideal. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(4), 339-356.
Wain, A. (2017). Learning through reflection. British Journal of Midwifery, 25(10), 662-666.
Wen, M. L., & Tsai, C.-C. (2006). University students' perceptions of and attitudes toward (online) peer assessment. Higher Education, 51(1), 27-44.
Willey, K., & Gardner, A. (2010). Investigating the capacity of self and peer assessment activities to engage students and promote learning. European Journal of Engineering Education, 35(4), 429-443.
Yang, Y.-F., & Tsai, C.-C. (2010). Conceptions of and approaches to learning through online peer assessment. Learning and Instruction, 20(1), 72-83.