
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA



The effect of digital literacy on student learning outcomes in chemistry learning
Abdul Latip, Nursida Sutantri, and Aristo Hardinata

DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v8i2.40567


Development of electronic handouts for class X high school ecosystem materials for online learning
Jeklin Hutagaol, Ervan Johan Wicaksana, and Jodion Siburian

DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v8i2.46536


Learning instructional using webbed models based on local potential "Pulau Kembang" to enhance ecological literacy skill
Desy Purwasih, Insih Wilujeng, Vietgar Membalik, and Suhandi Hasan

DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v8i2.49288


Scientific literacy on the topic of light and optical instruments in the innovation of science teaching materials
Fahmi Fahmi, Nur Chalisah, Maya Istyadji, Yudha Irhasyuarna, and Muhammad Kusasi

DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v8i2.41343


Video project in distance learning during the pandemic: Readiness, processes, and benefits
Abdul Rasid Saraha, St. Hayatun Nur Abu, Fitriyana Ibrahim, Nurfatimah Sugrah, and Khusna Arif Rakhman

DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v8i2.45285


Scaffolding in guided inquiry learning with google classroom: Effect on physics conceptual understanding
Murih Rahayu, Ardian Asyhari, and Adis Veliana Anjani

DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v8i2.48365


Golabz-based interactive learning design about simple harmonic motion on pendulum swing
Erwin Hartaman Gea, Alvama Pattiserlihun, and Debora Natalia Sudjito

DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v8i2.42962


Remediation using SSCS model for reducing misconceptions about work and energy
M Ahsanul Taqwim, Widha Sunarno, and Murni Ramli

DOI: 10.21831/jipi.v8i2.49343