Submission Guidelines
- Your manuscript is original and has not been previously published or is under review by another journal or conference proceedings.
- Your research complies with all ethical standards. Manuscripts involving human or animal subjects must include a dedicated "Ethics Approval" section.
- The manuscript is written in clear and proper English, free from grammatical and spelling errors.
- The manuscript follows the formatting requirements outlined in the Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA manuscript template.
- All figures are of acceptable quality and uploaded as separate files.
- References are formatted correctly and numbered in the order they appear in the text. The reference style must follow the journal’s requirements.
- Only manuscripts that meet the journal's aims and scope will proceed to peer review.
- Manuscripts must comply with the journal's submission guidelines outlined below. Non-compliant submissions will either be rejected or returned to the author for revision prior to peer review.
- Original Articles: These comprehensive research papers cover a broad range of scientific topics in science education.
- Review Articles: Typically under 9,000 words with an unstructured abstract, these submissions offer a comprehensive analysis of current literature, often including meta-analyses.
- Book Reviews: These critiques assess recent publications relevant to the journal's field, providing a balanced evaluation of the content, methodology, and contribution to the discipline.
- Manuscripts should be prepared on A4-sized paper, double-sided, and in single line spacing. Each new paragraph should begin 5 characters from the left margin, using Times New Roman font, size 11.
- The manuscript should be between 12 to 15 pages in length (approximately 5000-7000 words).
- The top margin should be 1.5 cm, and the bottom margin should be 0.8 cm.
- Titles should use capital letters only for the first word or proper nouns (e.g., location names), be written in 14pt font, and centered.
- Subtitles should be written in UPPERCASE BOLD style, 11-point font, and aligned to the left margin.
- Sub-subtitles, if applicable, should use capital letters only for the first word or proper nouns, and also be aligned to the left margin.
- Subtitles at the third level, if applicable, should be written with capital letters at the beginning of each word (except for connecting words), in italics, and aligned to the left margin.
- Equations and formulas should be numbered sequentially as (1), (2), etc., with the numbers aligned to the right of the equation.
- Estimation results from software packages should not be directly presented in the manuscript; they should be summarized in tables.
- Tables and figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals. The titles of tables should appear at the top, and the titles of figures at the bottom.
- All tables and figures must include the source of the data, if applicable, listed at the bottom.
- Tables should consist only of a heading and contents. Row lines are permitted, but column lines should be avoided. Any notes or sources relevant to the table should be included beneath it.
- Rasis et al. (2023) found that the implementation of …
- The study suggests that … (Rahmasari & Kuswanto, 2023).
- Argumentation is described as ... (Jumadi et al., 2021; Perdana et al., 2020).
- Manuscript Title
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Full Manuscript
- Tables
- Figures
- Title: A concise, descriptive title without literature references, compound numbers, or non-standard abbreviations. It should be centered, using Times New Roman, 14pt font, bold.
- Authors and Affiliations: Full names, including given names and family names, should be centered under the title in Times New Roman, 11-point font. Use superscript lowercase letters for different affiliations, including department, faculty/college, university, city, postal code, and country. The primary affiliation should reflect where the research was conducted; if an author has since moved, indicate the current address separately. Addresses will not be updated post-publication.
- Corresponding Author: Mark the corresponding author with an asterisk, providing contact information (telephone, fax, and email) in a footnote.
- Competing Interests: Disclose any financial or non-financial interests related to the study within the last three years, including any potential conflicts.
- Example:
“Financial interests: Author A and B have no financial interests. Author C has received honoraria from Company M. Non-financial interests: Author D served on advisory boards for Company M and Company N.” - Author Contributions: Describe each author’s role in the research and manuscript preparation.
- Example:
“All authors contributed to the study design. Material preparation and data collection were conducted by [names]. The first draft was written by [name], and all authors approved the final manuscript.” - Data Availability: State where data supporting the findings are stored or if data are available on request.
- Example:
“Data are available in the [repository name] repository at [link].” - Example:
“Approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of [University] (Date/No.).” - Example:
“Informed consent was obtained from all participants.” - Example:
“All participants provided consent for publication of their images in Figure(s) 1a, 1b, and 1c.” - The name of the ethics committee(s) or institutional review board(s) involved.
- The ethics approval number or ID.
- Confirmation that human participants provided informed consent prior to participation.
- Follow international, national, and institutional guidelines for humane treatment.
- Receive ethics committee approval, specifying the names of the ethics committee(s) or institutional review board(s), the approval process details, and the approval number or ID in the Ethics Approval section.
- Justify the use of animals and the species chosen.
- Provide details on housing, feeding, environmental enrichment, and measures taken to minimize suffering.
- Specify the methods of anesthesia and euthanasia used.
Author Fees
The following fees apply to submissions for Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA:- Article Submission: IDR 0.00
- Fast-Track Review: IDR 0.00
- Article Publication: IDR 1,500,007 (~100 USD)
Starting from 2018, a publication fee is charged to support the open access dissemination of research, handling and editorial costs, and overall journal management. Authors or their institutions are responsible for this fee upon acceptance of the manuscript.
The fee includes:
- The standard length of a 12-page manuscript. An additional fee of USD 15 per page will apply for each page exceeding this limit.
- DOI registration for each paper.
- Similarity checks using Turnitin, with the final report provided to the authors.
Please note that this fee does not cover proofreading costs. Professional proofreading is available at an additional charge of IDR 500,000 (~30 USD) per article.
Fee Waiver Policy
Waivers or partial waivers may be granted by the editor in cases of limited funding, extensive manuscript length, or other valid reasons, provided the author requests the waiver in the Comments to the Editor section during submission. Requests made after submission may not be considered, and waiver decisions do not influence the peer review outcome.
Before Submission
Prior to submission, please ensure that your manuscript adheres to the following guidelines:
Language Requirements
Manuscripts must be written in English with clarity and precision. Authors whose first language is not English are strongly encouraged to seek language editing assistance before submission. Reviewers are not responsible for correcting linguistic errors, and manuscripts that do not meet language standards may be delayed or rejected.
Types of Articles
The journal accepts the following types of contributions:
Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts may be based on empirical research or literature reviews, as long as they make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge, theory, or methodology in science education. Authors are required to submit their manuscripts electronically via the journal's online submission system. The corresponding author must confirm that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
General Writing Format
Specific Writing Format
Tables and Figures
If applicable, acknowledgments should be presented as a footnote on the first page, below the manuscript’s title.
Subjects and Authors Index
Authors should provide a subject index that includes key terms used within the manuscript. An author index should also be included, listing the family names followed by the given names of key authors referenced in the manuscript.
Citations within the text should follow the format of family name and year of publication. Examples include:
Authors are required to use reference management software, such as Mendeley Reference Manager (, for managing citations and references in their manuscripts.
Manuscripts should include 25-30 primary and up-to-date references to substantiate their contribution to knowledge development. References should predominantly consist of publications from the last 10 years, preferably from reputable, high-quality journals (at least 80%), except for essential key references. The use of textbooks should be limited to less than 20%. All citations and references must strictly adhere to the APA (American Psychological Association) style. Only works cited within the manuscript should be listed in the reference section. Authors are strongly advised to consult the APA style manual ( when preparing their submissions. The use of reference management software, such as Mendeley Reference Manager (, is mandatory for all authors to ensure accurate citation formatting.
Online Submission
Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors through the online Manuscript Tracking System (MTS), following the on-screen instructions. Only Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) files are accepted via the MTS, and there is no page limit. Submissions made by individuals other than the authors will not be considered. The submitting author is responsible for the manuscript throughout the submission and peer review process. If technical difficulties prevent submission via the MTS, authors may contact for assistance.
Initial Evaluation
All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial check by the Editorial Office to ensure they are properly formatted and adhere to the journal's ethical policies. All manuscripts are screened for potential plagiarism using Turnitin software. Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal’s ethics policy or do not meet the journal's standards will be rejected before the peer review process. Incomplete submissions or manuscripts that do not follow the required format will be returned to the authors without scientific review. Following these checks, the Editorial Office will consult the Editor-in-Chief to evaluate whether the manuscript aligns with the journal’s scope and is scientifically sound. Manuscripts deemed to have insufficient priority for publication will be promptly rejected. Authors are required to write their text in clear and proper English (American English is accepted). The Editor reserves the right to reject a manuscript due to poor language quality. All rejection decisions made at this stage will be verified by the Editor-in-Chief.
Submission Declaration and Verification
Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been previously published (except as an abstract, published lecture, or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its submission has been approved by all authors and, if applicable, by the responsible authorities where the work was conducted. If the manuscript is accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or any other language, including electronically, without the written consent of the copyright holder. To ensure originality, all manuscripts submitted to Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA are screened for plagiarism using Turnitin software.
Article Structure
The manuscript should be anonymized (i.e., it should not include author names or identifiable information) and compiled in the following order:
Sections should include: Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion (either as a combined section or in two separate subsections: Results and Discussion), Conclusion, Acknowledgment(s), Conflicts of Interest, and References.
Title Page
The title page should provide the following details in both English and Arabic:
The abstract, a maximum of 250 words, should summarize the study's purpose, methods, main findings, and principal conclusions. Avoid citations, and define any uncommon abbreviations at first mention. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, 9-point font, non-italic, and non-bold.
Provide 4 to 6 keywords, separated by semicolons, in Times New Roman, 10-point font, non-italic, and non-bold.
Present a succinct background, explaining the significance of the research and the rationale for publication. Background discussion should be concise and limited to relevant information.
Materials and Methods
This section should detail all methods sufficiently to allow replication, with subsections if multiple methods are described. Include vendor details (company, city, country) for chemicals, reagents, and other materials. For statistical analysis, specify the tests and p-values or significance levels (e.g., 0.05).
Results and Discussion
Combine these sections to present findings clearly and concisely. Restrict the use of tables and figures to essential data. Discuss the implications, limitations, and how findings relate to existing research, including directions for future work.
Provide a concise statement of the main findings, goals, and significance of the study, noting any new hypotheses or recommendations as relevant.
Place acknowledgments at the manuscript’s end before references, recognizing individuals or entities who contributed but are not listed as authors.
Conflicts of Interest
Declare any potential conflicts of interest, explaining how each may impact the study. If no conflicts exist, include a statement to that effect. The submitting author is responsible for all co-author declarations.
Figures and tables should be embedded in the manuscript; if accepted, authors may be asked to submit source files. Provide each figure in a separate electronic file in vector art (e.g., Illustrator, EPS, CorelDraw) or bitmap formats (e.g., TIFF, JPEG) at a minimum 300 dpi. Figures should be numbered (e.g., Fig. 1, Figs. 2-3) and referenced sequentially. Parts of figures should use lowercase letters (e.g., a, b, c).
Cite tables in order within the text. Each table should have a descriptive title; units should be listed in column headers. Avoid vertical lines, and place captions in Times New Roman, 9-point bold. Table titles should be above the table, fully justified.
Nomenclature and Units
Use SI units wherever possible. Other units may be given in parentheses where appropriate.
Statements & Declarations
Include the following statements at the end of the manuscript under "Statements and Declarations":
For studies involving humans or animals, include the following declarations:
Ethics Approval
Include a statement confirming ethics committee approval, providing the committee name and approval number if applicable.
Consent to Participate
For research involving human subjects, include a statement confirming informed consent.
Consent to Publish
If the study contains individual data (e.g., images), include a statement confirming consent for publication.
A set of page proofs (in PDF format) will be sent via email to the corresponding author. These proofs should be used solely to check for typesetting, editing, completeness, and accuracy of the text, tables, and figures. In order to facilitate prompt publication, it is essential that all corrections are returned in a single communication within 48 hours. Proofreading is the sole responsibility of the author(s). Please note that the publisher may proceed with publication if no response is received within the stipulated timeframe.
Revised Manuscripts
Authors must submit the revised version of their manuscript within one month of receiving the editorial decision. A revision does not guarantee acceptance; the revised submission may undergo additional review. In responding to reviewers' comments, authors should provide a detailed response, addressing each comment and outlining any changes made. If an author disagrees with a comment or suggestion, a justification should be included. To assist with the re-evaluation process, please highlight any changes in the revised manuscript.
After Acceptance
Upon acceptance, the manuscript will proceed to the production stage for typesetting. Once typesetting is complete, proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for final review.
Peer Review
All submissions are subject to rigorous peer review and must meet high academic standards. If the editor deems a manuscript suitable, it will be evaluated by anonymous peer reviewers in a double-blind process, whereby both author and reviewer identities remain confidential. The editorial board makes the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript based on reviewer recommendations.
In certain cases, our Research Integrity team may seek external advice beyond standard peer review, especially for submissions that present serious ethical, security, biosecurity, or societal considerations. In these instances, we may consult additional experts or editors to determine appropriate actions, including engaging specialized reviewers, seeking further editorial assessments, or discontinuing consideration of the submission.
Ethical Guidelines
For any studies involving human or animal subjects, strict adherence to ethical guidelines is required. Research involving human participants must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). Manuscripts describing experiments that may pose risk to human subjects must include statements confirming the informed consent of participants and approval by an ethical review committee. For animal research, authors must detail any anesthetic or surgical procedures used and demonstrate that all measures were taken to minimize animal suffering at all stages of the experiment.
Complying with Ethics of Experimentation
All research reported in submitted papers must be conducted ethically and responsibly, fully complying with all relevant experimental and legal codes. For original research involving humans, animals, plants, biological materials, protected or restricted datasets, collections, or sites, an Ethics Approval section is mandatory. This section should include:
Research Involving Animals
For research involving animals, authors must adhere to ethical standards for animal welfare. All papers reporting animal research must:
Supplementary Materials
Authors may publish online supplementary files alongside their articles. Each supplementary file should include the article title, journal name, authors' names, affiliations, and the corresponding author’s email address. Supplementary files will be published as received, without any conversion, editing, or reformatting.