Volume 10, Number 2 (2020)
The competency of lecturers as supervisors of the final paper in the Office Administration study program of Universitas Indonesia
Sancoko Sancoko
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.30725
The effectiveness of family welfare movement program in slums
Asih Kuswardinah
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.31976
Needs analysis to develop teaching materials at Vocational College UGM
Yohana Ika Harnita Sari, Wahyu Kartika Wienanda, and Nur Endah Nugraheni
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.27934
School management: The optimization of learning facilities to improve the quality of vocational schools
Rahman Setia and Dindin Nasrudin
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.29981
The effectiveness of the problem-based learning model using peer assessment in vocational high school
Aulia Anggraini, Sudiyanto Sudiyanto, and Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum Indrawati
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.30956
Developing English reading and writing materials for Automotive Engineering program in vocational high school
Endang Lestari and Joko Priyana
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.27965
Implementation of problem-based learning to improve problem-solving skills in vocational high school
Reny Murni Hidayati and Wagiran Wagiran
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.31210
Model of essential employability skills framework for machine operator
Hari Din Nugraha, Deny Poniman Kosasih, Kasda Kasda, As'ari Djohar, and Mumu Komaro
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.31869
Developing geriatric face makeup enrichment book for students of Skin Beauty program in vocational high school
Pramesti Adika Ratri and Siti Hamidah
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.31357
Implementation of soft skills on Automotive Engineering practicum of state vocational high schools in West Lombok Regency
Aprian Firmansyah and Soeharto Soeharto
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i2.30594
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