

POGIL, isu-isu sosiosaintifik, keterampilan berargumentasi, asam basa, socio-scientific issues, argumentation skills, acid base

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Kemampuan berargumentasi merupakan salah satu aspek dalam kemampuan berliterasi sains. Rendahnya skor pada survei PISA siswa Indonesia menunjukkan rendahnya kemampuan mereka dalam berargumen. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan keterampilan berargumentasi dan kualitas argumentasi siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran Process Oriented-Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) berkonteks isu-isu sosiosaintifik, POGIL, dan konvensional pada materi asam basa. Rancangan penelitian adalah eksperimen semu posstest only design. Sampel terdiri dari tiga kelas di salah satu SMAN di Kota Malang. Data diperoleh dari hasil tes keterampilan berargumentasi tertulis siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik terhadap keterampilan berargumentasi siswa di ketiga kelas penelitian (p=0.000). Kualitas argumentasi dianalisis menggunakan kerangka analitik Osborne. Pencapaian level argumentasi siswa kelas POGIL berkonteks isu-isu sosiosaintifik lebih tinggi daripada kelas POGIL dan konvensional.

The effect of process oriented-guided inquiry learning with socioscientific issue contexts on high school students' argument skills


The argumentation ability is one of aspect of scientific literacy. The low scores on PISA survey of Indonesian students showed their low ability in argumentation. To address this problem, this study aims to investigate the difference of students'argumentation skills who were taught using POGIL with socioscientific issues context, POGIL, and conventional learning. Research design was quasi-experimental postest only design. The sample consisted of three classes of a public senior high school in Malang. The data were obtained from students' written argumentation. The result of this study showed significantly different statistic on students'argumetation skills in three classes (p=0,000). The quality of students'argumetation were classified using analytical framework by Osborne. Achievement of the argument level of POGIL class students contexted sociosaintific issues higher than POGIL class and conventional class.

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