effectiveness of learning, block-system, automotive lightweight-vehicle engineering, state vocational high school, UKK value
Document Type
The research concerned here was to discover (1) the effectiveness of block-system learning as viewed from the teacher aspect; (2) the effectiveness of such learning as viewed from the student aspect; (3) the effectiveness of such learning as viewed from the facility and resource aspect; and (4) the students' learning achievement after an application of such learning. The study is descriptive and quantitative research, using a survey approach. The data were compiled through observation, questionnaire use, and documentation. The results indicate that (1) the effectiveness of block-system learning as viewed from the teacher aspect is very high in scale; (2) the effectiveness of block-system learning as viewed from the student aspect is very high in scale; (3) the effectiveness of block-system learning as viewed from the facility and resource aspect is high in scale; and (4) with block-system learning, students' learning achievement, as evaluated through UKK (Uji Kompetensi Keahlian or 'Expertise Competence Test'), improves.
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