self-rating scale; self-directed learning skills; high school student
Document Type
This study aims to develop a valid and reliable self-rating scale instrument for measuring Self-Directed Learning (SDL) skills. This DDI study follows the steps of Hinkin's development (1995) which consists of five stages: creating an item pool, expert conclusion, implementation, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability analysis. The self-rating scale developed in this study consisted of sixty statements accompanied by a 1-5 Likert scale. Based on the factors analysis, 16 items were still in the draft and 44 items were declared valid and reliable. Five factors that are determined are: awareness (8 items,α = 0.717), learning strategies (9 items,α = 0.806), and learning activities (7 items,α = 0.777), evaluation (8 items,α = 0.790), and interpersonal skills (12 items,α = 0.907). The reliability coefficient (Cronbach Alpha) of the self-rating scale isα = 0.933, with the required reliability criteria is 0.5. On a scale conversion of 1-100, the student's highest score of SDL skills is 93, and the lowest score SDL skills are 31 (SD = 20.334).
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Sulasiwi, Intan Febry; Handayanto, Supriyono Koes; and Wartono, Wartono
"Development of self-rating scale instrument of self-directed learning skills for high school students,"
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan: Vol. 23:
1, Article 1.
DOI: 10.21831/pep.v23i1.18130
Available at:
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