

Model Pengembangan, Kompetensi Profesional Berkelanjutan, Dosen Vokasi

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan model pengembangan kompetensi profesional berkelanjutan bagi setiap dosen vokasi (PKPB-DV) agar memiliki kompetensi untuk dapat menjalankan tugas pokok dan fungsinya. Metode penelitian dan pengembangan digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian, dengan subjek penelitian pegawai, pimpinan perguruan tinggi, dosen yang ditentukan secara purposif. Data dikumpulkan dengan pedoman wawancara dan angket serta dianalisis secara deskripsi kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pengembangan kompetensi berkelanjutan memiliki empat unsur yaitu: (1) perencanaan berisi analisis karakter dosen vokasi, analisis kebutuhan dosen vokasi, pemilihan intervensi sarana, prasarana dan biaya, (2) pengorganisasian berisi mekanisme PKPB-DV, susunan organisasi mencakup keterlibatan individu dan tugas lembaga, koordinasi kegiatan mencakup kerjasama research danpenugasan oleh lembaga, (3) pelaksanaan meliputi tempat PKPB-DV, waktu pelaksanaan PKPB-DV, pemberian intervensi, pemberian bimbingan dan motivasi, dan (4) pengendalian yang berisi standar PKPB-DV.

Kata kunci: model pengembangan, kompetensi professional berkelanjutan, dosen vokasi



This study aims to produce a model of continuing professional competence development of vocational lecturer (CPCD-VL) to have a competence to do their duties. The research and development methods are used to answer research questions with research participants consisting of administration staffs, university leaders, and lecturers that are determined purposively. Data were collected by interviews and questionnaires and analyzed by qualitative description. Results show that the model of continuing professional competence development has three elements, namely: (1) planning, an analysis of the character of vocational lecturers; needs analysis of vocation lecturer, and planning of the facilities, infrastructure and costs, (2) organization provides a mechanism of CPCD-VL, the organizational structure includes individual engagement and task organization, coordination of the activities include collaboration research and assignment, (3) implementation including CPCD-VL, the execution time of CPCD-VL, providing interventions, providing a guidance and motivation, and (4) control containing the standard of CPCD-VL. Keywords: development model, continuing professional competency, vocational lecturer

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