

learning objects, articulate storyline, basic computer system

Document Type



This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of applying learning objects based on Articulate Storyline 3 on student cognitive competence in the Basic Computer System course in the Informatics Engineering Education Study Program at the Ganesha University of Education. This type of research was descriptive quantitative with a pre-experimental research design involving one experimental class. The populations used in this study were all semester 1 students of the Informatics Engineering Education study program in the Basic Computer Systems course in the odd semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. Random sampling was using a simple random sampling technique. The average pretest result was 57.12, and the posttest average is 79.81. The paired pretest-posttest t-test resulted in the Sig. equal to 0.000, which indicates that there is a significant difference in the average pretest and posttest results. The percentage of student responses to the learning model is 64.19. This shows that self-confidence in learning objects based on Articulate Storyline 3 on student cognitive abilities "Very Practical". The results of the N-Gain value showed a proportion of 60%. It can be said that the application of learning objects based on Articulate Storyline 3 has a significant effect on the cognitive abilities of the students, cognitive ability increases quite effective, and the category of student response is very positive.

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