The Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi publishes research papers in the field of vocational education conducted by researchers, teachers, practitioners, and policymakers. Papers published in the Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi aim to be a platform for academics, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of vocational education to share knowledge, research results, and best practices in diverse themes and international contexts. The entire Board of Directors of the Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi ensures that the journal publishes high-quality research that has the potential to inform research, policy, or practice beyond the context in which the original work was conducted, ranging from innovative teaching and learning strategies, curriculum development responsive to industry needs, to current research in vocational education technology. We hope that this journal can be a source of inspiration and knowledge for readers in a joint effort to create a better and more competitive future for vocational education.
Current Issue: Volume 14, Number 1 (2024)
The effect of local potential-based workshop and entrepreneurship learning in increasing entrepreneurial interest
Octaverina Kecvara Pritasari, Marniati Marniati, and I Wayan Susila
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v14i1.56910
Evaluation of teaching factory using CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model to improve vocational high school students' skills
Yoto Yoto, Marsono Marsono, Abdul Qolik, and Achmad Romadin
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v14i1.62573
Analysis of the indirect correlation between academic achievement, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy on teaching readiness
Andi Maga Umara, Pardjono Pardjono, and Galeh Nur Indriatno Putra Pratama
DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v14i1.59766