research and development; development study; PISA; Jambi context
Document Type
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan soal matematika model PISA untuk siswa SMP menggunakan konteks Jambi yang valid, praktis, dan memiliki efek potensial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Design research tipe development study. Analisis data adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian berupa seperangkat soal matematika model PISA menggunakan konteks Jambi yang valid, praktis dan memlilki efek potensial sebanyak 14 butir soal. Valid dari segi konten, konstruk, dan bahasa berdasarkan penilaian validator, praktis berdasarkan uji coba small group dan memiliki efek potensial berdasarkan analisis hasil jawaban siswa dan angket pada field test. Bedasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa soal yang dikembangkan memiliki beberapa efek potensial, yaitu memunculkan pelibatan kemampuan dasar matematis yang beragam pada proses penyelesaiannya. Selain itu, juga mampu menarik minat dan memotivasi siswa sehingga tertantang menyelesaikan soal. Soal-soal ini juga memberikan stimulus kepada siswa untuk berpikir kritis menggunakan penalaran sendiri dalam penyelesaiannya.
Kata kunci: research and development, development study, PISA, Konteks Jambi
The aim of this research was to provide valid, practical mathematic questions of PISA model for SMP students by using Jambi contex, and have potential effect. The method of the research was developmental research design . Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data. The result of the research was a set of valid, practical 14 mathematic questions of PISA model in Jambi contex, and having potential effect. The validity of content, construct, and language was based on expert judgment, the practicality was measured in small group, and the potential effect was based on analysis of student answers and questionnaires in field test. The result of analysis showed that the developed questions had several potential effects such as inviting students' various basic skills of mathematic in the process of answering the questions. Besides that, it could encourage students' ability and motivate students to answer and finish the questions. These questions also attract the students to use their critical thinking ability to answer the questions. Keywords: research and development, development study, PISA, Jambi context
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Charmila, Ninik; Zulkardi, Zulkardi; and Darmawijoyo, Darmawijoyo
"Pengembangan soal matematika model PISA menggunakan Konteks Jambi,"
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan: Vol. 20:
2, Article 6.
DOI: 10.21831/pep.v20i2.7444
Available at:
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