

development, model, evaluation, program, life skills, Non Formal Education

Document Type



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model evaluasi penyelenggaraan pendidikan life skills. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah research and development yang dikembangkan Borg dan Gall dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Prosedur pengembangan dipetakan menjadi tahap pra-pengembangan, pengembangan, dan penerapan model. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan (1) Model evaluasi life skills education (ELSEd) meliputi komponen input, proses, dan hasil pendidikan life skills, (2) Evaluasi model ELSEd memiliki kepekaan yang baik terhadap objek yang diteliti dan mengungkap data yang dihasilkan, (3) Tingkat koherensi instrument ELSEd sesuai dengan rancangan, (4) Karakteristik Model ELSEd berbeda dengan evaluasi model lain, (5) Reliabilitas butir ketiga komponen evaluasi bernilai antara 0,826 - 0,975 dan validitas konstruk untuk semua komponen pada model ELSEd ini diketahui nilai chi square sebesar: 4,188-191,686; p-value: 0,063-0,241; dan nilai RMSEA: 0,029-0,076. Oleh karena nilai p-value lebih besar dari 0,05 dan RMSEA kurang dari 0,08 maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa model Life Skills Education (ELSEd) adalah cocok dan fit, (6) Kelebihan model ELSEd yaitu komprehensif, sederhana, fleksibel, efektif, dan life skills oriented.

Kata kunci: pengembangan, model, evaluasi, program, life skills, Pendidikan Luar Sekolah




This study aims to develop an evaluation model of life skills education. The development model used is research and development which is developed by Borg and Gall by using a quantitative approach. The development procedure is mapped into the pre-development, development, and application of the model . Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that: (1) Evaluation model of life skills education (ELSEd) includes component inputs , processes , and result of life skills education , (2) The ELSEd Evaluation models have a good sensitivity to the object under study and reveal the resulted data, (3) the level of coherence of the ELSEd instrument is in accordance with the design, (4) Characteristics of ELSEd models are different from other models of evaluation, (5) The item reliability of the three evaluation components are between 0.826 to 0.975 and construct validity for all components in ELSEd model are chi square value of : 4.188 to 191.686; p - value : 0.063 to 0.241; and the value of RMSEA: 0.029 to 0.076 . Therefore, p-value is bigger than 0.05 and RMSEA is less than 0.08 , it can be stated that the model of Life Skills Education (ELSEd) is suitable and fit, (6) The advantages of ELSEd models are comprehensive, simple, flexible, effective, and life skills oriented.

Keywords: development , model, evaluation , program , life skills , Non Formal Education

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