

model, peer assessment, collaborative, elaboration, interdisciplinary social studies

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat peer assessment pada pembelajaran kolaboratif IPS yang baik, valid, handal, dan fit yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan penilaian kecakapan social siswa secara obyektif. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat peer assessment kecakapan sosial yang disebut Rubrik Kecakapan Sosial. Perangkat pendukung adalah Jurnal Kecakapan Kognitif, Lembar Kendali Pembelajaran Kolaboratif, dan Rubrik Profil Keterlaksanaan. Subyek penelitian guru dan siswa kelas VIII (delapan) dari Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Data dianalisis dengan Structural Equation Modeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Rubrik Kecakapan Sosial untuk mengukur kemampuan komunikasi, tanggung jawab individu, tanggung jawab terhadap kelompok, kerjasama dan kompetisi siswa. Hasil analisis rubrik kecakapan sosial, jurnal kecakapan kognitif dan lembar kendali pembelajaran kolaboratif dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa konstruk Rubrik Kecakapan Sosial akurat, konstruk Jurnal Kecakapan Kognitif akurat, dan konstruk Rubrik Profil Model Peer Assessment akurat, dan model peer assessment mempunyai dampak positif pada peningkatan perolehan nilai rata-rata kelas pada kecakapan kognitif.

Kata kunci: model, peer assessment, pembelajaran kolaboratif, elaborasi, IPS Terpadu



Abstract This study aims at developing instruments for peer assessment model on collaborative elaboration learning for Interdisciplinary Social Studies which are good, valid, reliable, and accurate, to guide teachers carrying out assessment for social skill objectively. This study is research and development to develop an instrument of peer assessment for social skills called Rubric for Student Social Skills. The supporting instruments are Journal for Student Cognitive Skills, Sheet for Control of Collaborative Learning and Rubric for Profile of Peer Assessment. The subjects of this study were teachers and pupils in the eighth grades of Junior High Schools. The data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling. The results of research show that Rubric for Student Social Skills measures commucation skill, individual responsibility, responsibility to group, cooperation and pupil competision. The analysis result shows that Rubric for Social Skill, Journal for Cognitive Skill, and Sheets of Control Collaborative Learning are valid and reliable. The result shows that the construct of Rubric for Social Skill accurate, the construct of Journal for Cognitive Skill are accurate, and the construct of Rubric for Profil Peer Assessment accurate, and model of peer assessment have positive impact on increasing the average score on cognitive skill.

Keywords : model, peer assessment, collaborative, elaboration, interdisciplinary social studies

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