

impacts of the program, poverty alleviation program

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan (1) indikator kemiskinan lokal, (2) menemukan konstrak kemiskinan lokal, (3) pengaruh proses intervensi dan kualitas program terhadap dampak program pengentasan kemiskinan; (4) konstrak dampak program pengentasan kemiskinan, dan (5) bentuk penerapan program pengentasan kemiskinan di Kabupaten Jayapura, baik secara ekonomi, sosial, psikis dan budaya. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh keluarga miskin di Kabupaten Jayapura yang ditentukan dengan teknik multistage cluster random sampling. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan teknik kuantitatif dan kualitatif, kedua teknik ini digunakan secara simultan. Hasil penelitian yaitu (1) subyek penelitian dalam kategori miskin karena memiliki penghasilan di bawah standar kebutuhan fisik minimum (KFM) Kabupaten Jayapura, (2) konstrak indikator kemiskinan lokal meliputi faktor ekonomi, sosial, psikis dan budaya, (3) Proses intervensi dan kualitas program untuk program keseluruhan terbukti berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap dampak program, (4) konstrak proses intervensi ditentukan oleh indikator engagement, assessment, designing, implementation, evaluation dan termination, (5) Program pengentasan kemiskinan berdampak secara signifikan terhadap peningkatan aspek ekonomi, sosial, psikis dan budaya dalam kehidupan subyek penelitian. di Kabupaten Jayapura dibandingkan program sektoral (KUBE).

Kata kunci: dampak program, program pengentasan kemiskinan



Abstract This study aims to find out: (1) local poverty indicators, (2) local poverty constructs, (3) effects of the intervention process and program quality on the impacts of the poverty alleviation program, (4) constructs of the impacts of the poverty alleviation program, and (5) forms of the implementation of the poverty alleviation program in Jayapura District in terms of economic, social, psychological, and cultural aspects. The research population comprised all poor families in Jayapura Districts and the sample was selected using the multistage cluster random sampling technique. The data were analyzed by means of the quantitative and qualitative techniques, simultaneously employed. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The research subjects are in the poor category because their earnings are below the standard of the minimum physical needs in Jayapura District. (2) The constructs of local poverty indicators include economic, social, psychological, and cultural factors. (3) The intervention process and program quality for the whole program have significant and positive effects on the program impacts. (4) The constructs of the intervention process are represented by indicators of engagement, assessment, designing, implementation, evaluation, and termination. (5) The poverty alleviation program has significant impacts on the improvement of economic, social, psychological, and cultural aspects in the research subjects' life in Jayapura District in comparison with the sectorial (KUBE) program. Keywords: impacts of the program, poverty alleviation program

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