

program CAT, bank soal

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Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan: (1) model sistem inferensi dalam mengambil keputusan untuk memilih butir-butir tes yang tepat bagi siswa, (2) perangkat lunak Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) dengan algoritma logika fuzzy dalam mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa. Penelitian dengan pen-dekatan Research and Development (R & D), terdiri atas dua bagian yaitu: (1) pengembangan program CAT, (2) pengujian program CAT pada siswa SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta kelas XII sebagai sampel, pada mata pelajaran Matematika dengan pokok bahasan Notasi sigma, barisan dan deret. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan angket dan dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan program CAT: (1) mudah digunakan, tampilan interaktif, memiliki sistem keamanan, mudah diakses, dan mengacu standar kekinian, (2) dapat mengenali tiga macam pengguna saat proses login, (3) memiliki tiga macam basis data, (4) memiliki sembilan menu utama, (5) menggunakan model sistem inferensi algoritma logika fuzzy, (6) model tampilan program CAT, (7) dapat bekerja sesuai dengan fungsi dan jenis pengguna, dan (8) mampu mengelola: (a) bank soal, (b) mengemas butir-butir tes secara otomatis sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa, (c) pilihan jawaban dimunculkan secara acak, dan (d) menyimpan rekaman hasil tes secara individu maupun bersama-sama.

Kata kunci: program CAT, bank soal



Abstract The development of the Computerized-Adaptive Testing (CAT) aimed to investigate: 1) the performance of inference system in making decision to select the appropriate test items for the students, and 2) the performance of CAT program using fuzzy logic algorithm in describing the competence of students. This research and development (R&D) consists of two parts: (1) developing the CAT, (2) tested testing the CAT on mathematics at the topics of Sigma notation, sequence and series. Data were collected through observation, documentation and questionnaire and analyzed using quantitative descriptive technique. The result showed that: (1) the CAT user friendly, interactive, secure, accessible, and current and (2) able to recognize three types of users while logging-in three types of data bases, that nine options on the main menu it is able to work properly according to the function and the type of users, and administrered the bank and organize test items automatically, based on students' competence, randomize the answer in the options, and record the result of the test simultaneously and individually.

Keywords: CAT program

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