

instrumen asesmen kebutuhan, kurikulum bimbingan, instrument evaluasi program BK

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Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan menghasilkan instrumen asesmen kebutuhan peserta didik, disebut Invantori Kebutuhan Perkembangan Murid (IKPM). Penelitian mengikuti model Plomp (1999) dengan lima fase. Reliabilitas instrumen diestimasi dengan teknik Alpha Cronbach, validitas isi diperiksa oleh pakar dan telaah praktisi melalui FGD. Validitas empirik dan kecocokan model pengukuran dibuktikan dengan analisis faktor konfirmatori (CFA) dengan program Lisrel 8.30. Telaah praktisi melibatkan 60 orang guru kelas V dan VI SD dalam dua tahap FGD, sedangkan uji coba empirik dan implementasi melibatkan murid kelas V dan VI. Hasil penelitian pengembang-an ini adalah: 1) IKPM dapat digunakan untuk menghimpun data kebutuhan perkembangan sebagai dasar penyusunan kurikulum bimbingan dan melaksanakan evaluasi program, bimbingan dan alat ukur evaluasi program bimbingan klasikal di sekolah dasar dan 2) teridentifikasi butir-butir kebutuhan per-kembangan murid yang intens dan sangat intens untuk dipenuhi melalui layanan bimbingan klasikal.

Kata kunci: instrumen asesmen kebutuhan, kurikulum bimbingan, instrument evaluasi program BK



Abstract The goal of this research is to produce a developmental needs assessment instrument, called Student's Developmental Needs Inventory, which can be use to reveal the needs of students in elementary school. The research method follows the model of Research and Development (R & D) by Plomp (1999) with five phases. The instrument which is developed in this study guidance and counseling (Bimbingan Konseling, BK) in elementary school. Instrument reliability is estimated using by Alpha Cronbach technique, it content validity is checked by experts judgment and practitioner's assessment with FGD technique. Furthermore, empirical validity and the goodness of fit measurement model was measured with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) through the application of Lisrel 8.30 program. However, try out of test and implementation involves students of grade five and six elementary schools. The results of this research: (1) the instrument can be used to gathering data of developmental needs as based of guidance curriculum arrangement and to conduct program evaluation in elementary school, and (2) there are several items of student's developmental needs that needs to be fullfiled through classical guidance services.

Key words: needs assessment instrument, guidance curriculum, program evaluation instrument of guidance and counseling

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