

Crisis, Public Relations, Ternate City

Document Type



Based on the results of research, Public Relations of water supply company Ternate
city in complain handling Ake Gaale water source, they perform of internal an external
function. Public Relations of water supply company Ternate city excecutes four important
steps started fact finding and defining the problem, planning and programming, action
and communication, and evaluation. In the evaluation step, Public Relation of water
supply company Ternate city found that each of the programs was not effectively done.
Alternative step taken by Public relation was engaging the Government of Ternate to be
involved in the follow-up meeting about problems at Ake Gaale water source, as well as
the presence by Government of Ternate also intended to be a mediator in the mediation
process between water supply company Ternate city and residents of Sangaji that failed
to build their communication each other.

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Arsip PDAM Kota Ternate Tahun 2014

Notulen Rapat Tindak Lanjut Permasalahan Ake Gaale Antara Pemerintah Kota Ternate, PDAM Kota Ternate dan Warga Kelurahan Sangaji Pada Tanggal 18 Desember 2014
