
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi


learning media, research and development, ADDIE model, microprocessors

Document Type



This development research aims to develop microprocessor learning media using Zilog Z80. The Learning Media quality is based on the following aspects: (1) media feasibility according to subject matter experts and media experts; (2) effective based on students ability test by pre test and post-test. The developed cycles and procedures refer to the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). This development research produces learning media as microprocessor kits training and e-Learning namely "µProsessor" as learning support. Data analysis techniques to test the effectiveness of learning media using Paired Samples T-Test and Using a Likert scale to test the feasibility of learning media. The research results show that the feasibility of learning media is enough with a high score of above 88% and Paired Samples Test results for media effectiveness show an increase in the value of significant microprocessor capabilities. Measuring the improvement of the ability of students' microprocessors using N-gain (normalized gain). The results of the calculation of N-gain in the large group is 0.72 in the high category. Interpretation of the results of the research can be concluded that effective learning media as a learning media for microprocessors.

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