

Mathematics achievement, math anxiety, online learning platform, online learning readiness, task frequency, type of task

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Online learning has become more popular during the Covid-19 pandemic, including in mathematics. However, many educators have raised concerns whether there are critical factors determining the mathematics achievement during online learning. This study examines online learning readiness (OLR), math anxiety (MA), online platforms used in learning (Zoom Meeting and Google Classroom) and gender as determinants of mathematics achievement students in online learning. The participants in this study were 197 students of a private university in Samarinda, Indonesia. Online learning readiness and math anxiety were gathered by means of questionnaires. The questionnaires were deemed valid (> 0.500) and reliable (OLR = 0.903; MA = 0.888) based on Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Cronbach's Alpha respectively. Other variables function as dummy based on the attributes possessed and learning experienced by the participants. The data were analyzed using standard multiple linear regression and multiple linear regression with dummy variables. The results reveal that online learning readiness, math anxiety, online learning platforms and gender had a significant effect on students' mathematics achievement in online learning. In addition, online learning platforms and gender contribute to the difference effect of online learning readiness and math anxiety to mathematics achievement. The results suggest that educators and educational institutions should consider these important aspects to optimize the advantages and effectiveness of online learning.

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