Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika is a scholarly platform dedicated to advancing the discourse and knowledge base in the field of mathematics education. Published twice a year, in May and November, the journal serves as a channel for the dissemination of high quality research that contributes to the improvement of mathematics education at different educational levels. With a commitment to rigour and innovation, the journal welcomes contributions from scholars, educators and researchers, both nationally and internationally, with the aim of enriching the theoretical foundations and practical applications within the field.
Current Issue: Volume 10, Number 1 (2023)
Didactical design of algebraic expression from a linear pattern with a realistic mathematics education approach
Nur Fitriani, Sugiman Sugiman, and Arfah Arfah
DOI: 10.21831/jrpm.v10i1.55212
Students' difficulties: mathematical creative thinking skill questions based on habits of mind
Rira Jun Fineldi and Kana Hidayati
DOI: 10.21831/jrpm.v10i1.60001
Project-Based Learning in mathematics education: A bibliometric study on 2014–2023 scopus database
Mathilda Susanti, Heri Retnawati, Eny Sulistyaningsih, Kartianom Kartianom, Munaya Nikma Rosyada, Gulzhaina K. Kassymova, and Rimajon Sotlikova
DOI: 10.21831/jrpm.v10i1.60531
Ethnomathematics Exploration on Purun Crafts of Pulau Geronggang for Middle School Mathematics Learning
Adi Saputro, Somakim Somakim, and Darmawijoyo Darmawijoyo
DOI: 10.21831/jrpm.v10i1.54062
Teaching Materials for Algebra and Linear Programs Based on Pancasila Student Profiles
Nila Kesumawati, Nyiayu Fahriza Fuadiah, Lusiana Lusiana, and Dina Octaria
DOI: 10.21831/jrpm.v10i1.55392
Effectiveness of situation based learning model on problem solving abilities and mathematical disposition
Anisa Fatma Kurnia Sari and Elly Arliani
DOI: 10.21831/jrpm.v10i1.56320
Pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran matematika berbasis website terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa: Meta-analisis
Damianus Dao Samo, Christine K. Ekowati, Imelda Paulina Soko, and Karolus Real Ngawas
DOI: 10.21831/jrpm.v10i1.49357