

lintasan belajar, definisi himpunan, pembelajaran berbasis proyek, penelitian desain, learning trajectory, hypothetical learning trajectory, definition of set, design research

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan learning trajectory ber­basis proyek yang dilalui siswa untuk memahami definisi himpunan. Penelitian desain ini menggunakan model Gravemeijer dan Cobb dengan tahapan yang terdiri atas: (1) preparing for the experiment yang mencakup penyusunan hypo­thetical learning trajectory (HLT); (2) design experiment yang mencakup pe­laksanaan pembelajaran berdasarkan HLT yang telah dirancang; dan (3) retro­spective analysis, yaitu membandingkan HLT dengan pembelajaran yang dilak­sanakan. Pengembangan HLT menjadi learning trajectory diperoleh melalui serangkaian aktivitas yang dilaksanakan dengan pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara dengan guru dan siswa untuk meng­klarifikasi dan mengonfirmasi alur belajar. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis proyek dapat memfasilitasi siswa dalam mema­hami definisi himpunan. Learning trajectory definisi himpu­nan berbasis proyek diperoleh melalui serangkaian aktivitas dengan empat level pemodelan. Level situasional berupa aktivitas survei kumpulan objek di sekolah. Pada level refe­rensial, istilah "ciri-ciri yang sama", "dapat didefinisikan", dan "objek tambah­an", dan "kesepakatan" muncul melalui diskusi. Pada level generalisasi, siswa me­nuliskan himpunan dalam bentuk yang lebih umum. Ter­akhir, pada level for­mal, pemahaman yang siswa peroleh dari setiap aktivitas merupakan modal un­tuk membangun konsep tentang definisi himpunan.

Project-based learning trajectory on the definition of the set topic


This research aimed to describe the project-based learning trajectory pass­ed through by students to understand the set definition. This design research used Gravemeijer and Cobb model with stages: (1) preparing for the experiment that includes developing hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT); (2) design of expe­riments which includes learning practices implementation based on the deve­loped HLT; and (3) retrospective analysis, which was to compare HLT with learning practices. The development of HLT into a learning trajectory was ob­tained through a series of activities carried out by collecting data through docu­mentation, observation, and interviews with the teacher and students to clarify and confirm the learning trajectory. The results indicated that project-based learning could facilitate students to understand the definition of set. The lear­ning trajectory was obtained through a series of acti­vities with four levels of modeling. The situational level was in the form of a survey activity aimed to collect objects in the school area. At the referential level, the terms "common features", "definable", "additional objects", and "agree­ment" emerged thro­ugh discussion. At the generalization level, students wrote the set in a more general form. Lastly, at the formal level, the under­standing that students get from each activity was a provision to construct a concept about set definition.

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