

efikasi diri, kalkulus integral, self-efficacy, integral calculus course

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Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pofil efikasi diri mahasiswa pada perkuliahan Kalkulus Integral. Subjek penelitian adalah 43 mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta yang mengikuti perkuliahan Kalkulus Integral. Instrumen pengumpulan data terdiri dari angket efikasi diri serta pedoman wawancara. Subjek mengisi angket efikasi diri. Hasilnya adalah 2% mahasiswa memiliki efikasi diri sangat tinggi, 40% tinggi, 51% sedang, 7% memiliki efikasi diri rendah. Selanjutnya dipilih 6 mahasiswa, masing-masing 2 mahasiswa dengan efikasi diri tinggi, sedang, rendah untuk diwawancarai. Hasilnya yaitu mahasiswa dengan efikasi diri tinggi dan sedang tidak putus asa dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan Kalkulus Integral, sedangkan mahasiswa dengan efikasi diri rendah putus asa saat menghadapi permasalahan tersebut. Mahasiswa dengan tingkat efikasi diri tinggi, sedang, dan rendah belum mampu mempelajari materi sulit Kalkulus Integral secara mandiri. Akan tetapi, mereka mampu menyelesaikan tugas dan mengumpulkannya tepat waktu. Usaha belajar mereka belum optimal dengan berbagai macam penyebab sehingga mereka tidak yakin mampu mencapai prestasi belajar yang ditargetkan, terkecuali dua mahasiswa dengan efikasi diri tinggi dan sedang.

Self-efficacy of university student in integral calculus course


This qualitative research aimed to describe students' self-efficacy profile on Integral Calculus course. The subjects were 43 students of Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, who attended Integral Calculus course. The instruments used to data collecting were self-efficacy questionnaire and interview guidelines. The subjects were given self-efficacy questionnaire. The results showed that 2% of students had very high of self-efficacy, 40% high, 51% middle, the remaining 7% students had low self-efficacy. Six students were selected to be interviewed, consisted of 2 students with high, middle, and low self-efficacy. The interview results were students with high and middle self-efficacy were not give up to solve Integral Calculus problems, while students with low self-efficacy tend to desperate when solving the problems. Students with high, middle, and low self-efficacy levels had not been able to study the Integral Calculus difficult material independently. However, they were able to complete the task and collect it on time. Their learning efforts have not been optimal with a variety of causes so they were not confident for reaching optimum achievement, except two students with high and middle self efficacy level.

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