Eksploration, Ethnomathematics, Purun craft of Pulau Geronggang
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Mathematical concepts occationally arise naturally through the culture of certain communities, through the knowledge and views of tribes or community groups or certain individuals without going through a formal education. Mathematics with cultural nuances (ethnomathematics) would make a very significant contribution to learning mathematics. The aims of this research are 1) To find out what the mathematical concepts are in the Purun handicrafts of Geronggang Island, 2) To find out what the philosophical values are in the Purun handicrafts of Geronggang Island. 3) To find out how the implementation of junior high school mathematics learning with the ethnomathematical context in Purun Craft of Geronggang Island. The instrument of this study is human instrument in which the researcher was directly involved in the research and acted as the data collector. The data were collected through library data collection, interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out through data reduction, presentation, analysis and data exposure.
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