
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika is a scholarly platform dedicated to advancing the discourse and knowledge base in the field of mathematics education. Published twice a year, in May and November, the journal serves as a channel for the dissemination of high quality research that contributes to the improvement of mathematics education at different educational levels. With a commitment to rigour and innovation, the journal welcomes contributions from scholars, educators and researchers, both nationally and internationally, with the aim of enriching the theoretical foundations and practical applications within the field.

Current Issue: Volume 10, Number 2 (2023)



Students' Mathematical Critical Thinking through Conceptual Change Approach
Fitria Maghfiroh and Dadan Dasari

DOI: 10.21831/jrpm.v10i2.62812


Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Articulate Storyline untuk Pemahaman Konsep Materi Turunan Siswa di SMA
La Ode Ahmad Jazuli, Arvyaty Arvyaty, Hasnawaty Hasnawaty, and Muhamad Fadel Ibrahim

DOI: 10.21831/jrpm.v10i2.71066