

: Website, Information Quality, System Quality, User Satisfaction

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Websites are widely utilized to disseminate news and publications to the public by government institutions. Although the website’s user experience has been extensively studied, there is still a lack of understanding and assessment of the website’s user satisfaction in the ministerial government. User experience in terms of optimizing website utilization has not been well explored, especially regarding satisfaction. Satisfaction is influenced by information quality and system quality factors. Information quality encompasses five variables (completeness, accuracy, format, currency, availability) and system quality consists of nine variables (reliability, flexibility, accessibility, responsiveness, integration, usability, functionality, design appeal, efficiency). This study surveyed the effect of information quality and system quality on the satisfaction of using the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ website. The target population of this study was all users who had accessed the website at least once in the last three months. The data were collected from 420 respondents by the online questionnaire and analyzed using PLS-SEM. The findings indicated that the hypothesis of the variables completeness, accuracy, format, currency, availability, reliability, flexibility, accessibility, responsiveness, integration, usability, and functionality is not supported. However, the results of this research confirmed the positive and significant effect of design appeal and efficiency on satisfaction

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