

Digital Literacy, Movement, Mapping.

Document Type



APJII (2016). Infografis Penetrasi dan Perilaku Pengguna Internet di Indonesia Survey 2016. Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia.

Barton, David & Lee, Carmen. (2013). “Language Online: Investigating Digital Texts and Practices”. Oxford: Routledge.

Brown, C & Mayisela, T. (2015). CILT Position Paper: Digital literacies. CILT, University of Cape Town. Buckingham.

David. (2006). “Defining Digital Literacy: What do young people need to know about digital media?”. Digital Kompetanse.” 4-2006. 1. 263-276.

Flew, Terry. (2004). “New Media: An Introduction (2nd Edition)”. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

Head, Alison J. & Eisenberg, Michael B. (2009). “How College Students Seek Information in the Digital Age?” Project of Information Literacy, University of Washington.

Jones, Rodney H. & Hafner, Christoph A. (2012). “Understanding Digital Literacies: A practical introduction”. Oxford: Routledge.

Koltay, Tibor. (2011). “The media and the literacies: media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy”. Media, Culture, & Society. 33(2). 211-221.

Lankshear, Colin & Knobel, Michelle. (2008). “Digital Literacies: concepts, policies and practices”. New York: Peter Lang.

Potter, James W. 2014. Media Literacy (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publication.

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APJII (2016). Infografis Penetrasi dan Perilaku Pengguna Internet di Indonesia Survey 2016. Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia.

Barton, David & Lee, Carmen. (2013). “Language Online: Investigating Digital Texts and Practices”. Oxford: Routledge.

Brown, C & Mayisela, T. (2015). CILT Position Paper: Digital literacies. CILT, University of Cape Town. Buckingham.

David. (2006). “Defining Digital Literacy: What do young people need to know about digital media?”. Digital Kompetanse.” 4-2006. 1. 263-276.

Flew, Terry. (2004). “New Media: An Introduction (2nd Edition)”. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

Head, Alison J. & Eisenberg, Michael B. (2009). “How College Students Seek Information in the Digital Age?” Project of Information Literacy, University of Washington.

Jones, Rodney H. & Hafner, Christoph A. (2012). “Understanding Digital Literacies: A practical introduction”. Oxford: Routledge.

Koltay, Tibor. (2011). “The media and the literacies: media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy”. Media, Culture, & Society. 33(2). 211-221.

Lankshear, Colin & Knobel, Michelle. (2008). “Digital Literacies: concepts, policies and practices”. New York: Peter Lang.

Potter, James W. 2014. Media Literacy (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publication.
