

ADDIE; illustrated storybook media, learning outcomes; Pancasila and Civic Education (PCE), PPKn; R and D

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This research’s objectives are to 1) develop a storybook with a picture (comic) as a learning media for Pancasila and Civic Education (PCE) and 2) to evaluate its effectiveness in improving the learning results of grade V elementary school students in learning the values of Pancasila. This is research and development by implementing the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research’s subjects are 27 students of V (A), 28 students of V (B) and eight students of V (C) as experiment, control, and limited test classes, respectively. The result of the development found that the product, a book with pictures, is suitable for learning after being evaluated by a media expert and a material expert with evaluations of 99 and 71, respectively. The effectivity evaluation was conducted using a t-test on the experiment and control classes with sig. value of 0.000

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