Penelitian eksperimen semu ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan keefektifan pembelajaran group investigation (GI) menggunakan alat peraga manipulatif dibandingkan dengan metode ceramah menggunakan alat peraga secara klasikal ditinjau dari prestasi belajar bangun ruang sisi datar dan apresiasi peserta didik terhadap matematika peserta didik kelas VIII SMP. Populasi meliputi seluruh peserta didik SMP di DIY dengan sampel peserta didik kelas VIII B dan C SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Yogyakarta tahun pelajaran 2012/2013, yang diambil secara acak dengan undian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan dua perlakuan yaitu untuk kelompok eksperimen (kelas VIII B) berupa pembelajaran GI menggunakan alat peraga manipulatif dan kelompok kontrol (kelas VIII C) berupa pembelajaran dengan metode ceramah menggunakan alat peraga secara klasikal. Pretes dan postes digunakan untuk mengukur prestasi belajar bangun ruang sisi datar dan angket apresiasi untuk mengetahui tingkat apresiasi terhadap matematika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pembelajaran GI menggunakan alat peraga manipulatif efektif baik jika ditinjau dari prestasi belajar bangun ruang sisi datar maupun apresiasi terhadap matematika; (2) pembelajaran dengan metode ceramah menggunakan alat peraga secara klasikal efektif ditinjau dari prestasi belajar, tetapi tidak efektif jika ditinjau dari apresiasi terhadap matematika; (3) pembelajaran GI menggunakan alat peraga manipulatif lebih efektif baik jika ditinjau dari prestasi belajar bangun ruang sisi datar maupun apresiasi peserta didik terhadap matematika.
Kata kunci: group investigation, alat peraga manipulatif, prestasi belajar, apresiasi terhadap matematika
Review of the Effectiveness of Group Investigation with Manipulatives Teaching Aid from the Aspects of Polyhedra Learning Achievement and Appreciation of Mathematics at SMP
This quasi-experiment aims to describe the effectiveness of cooperative learning of group investigation (GI) with manipulatives teaching aid compared with conventional learning method using teaching aid classically in terms of polyhedra learning achievement and students' appreciation of mathematics of the 8th grade students. The population covered all 8th grade students at DIY with sample was all students at class VIII B and C of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Yogyakarta in the academic year of 2012/2013, established randomly using the lottery method. This used the quantitative approach with two treatments, the experimental group (class VIII B)was taught using cooperative learning of GI with manipulatives and for the control group (class VIII C) using conventional learning method with teaching aid classically. Pretest dan posttest were used to measure students' learning achievement and a questionnaireof appreciation was used to know the level of their aprreciation of mathematics. The result showed that (1) the cooperative learning of GI with manipulatives is effective both in terms of polyhedra learning achievement and appreciation of mathematics, (2) the conventional learning method using teaching aid classically is effective in terms of learning achievement, but ineffective in terms of appreciation of mathematics; (3) the cooperative learning of GI with manipulatives is more effective both in terms of polyhedra learning achievement and appreciation of mathematics. Keywords: group investigation, manipulative teaching aid, polyhedra learning achievement, appreciation of mathematics
Recommended Citation
Sasongko, H. W. (2014). Tinjauan Keefektifan Group Investigation Menggunakan Alat Peraga Manipulatif dari Aspek Prestasi Belajar Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar dan Apresiasi terhadap Matematika SMP. PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 9(2), 136-146. https://doi.org/10.21831/pg.v9i2.9075