

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar matematika SMP kelas VIII semester 1 yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk meningkatkan karakter dan higher order thinking skill (HOTS) siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu tahap pendahuluan, tahap pembuatan, dan tahap pengembangan. Tahap pendahuluan dilakukan analisis konteks dan masalah, kajian pustaka, dan perumusan tujuan pembelajaran, tahap pembuatan terdiri atas penyusunan instrumen tes, penentuan: media, strategi, dan materi pembelajaran, dan penyusunan desain awal produk, dan pada tahap pengembangan, dilakukan tiga siklus evaluasi formatif, yakni: uji coba produk, evaluasi, dan revisi produk. Bahan ajar yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) dan lembar kerja siswa (LKS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dihasilkan valid, praktis, dan efektif ditinjau dari orientasi bahan ajar terhadap karakter dan HOTS. Keefektifan bahan ajar ditunjukkan oleh hasil penilaian melalui angket karakter dan tes HOTS. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian, persentase siswa yang memiliki karakter minimal baik meningkat dari 78% menjadi 100% (meningkat 22%). Selanjutnya, berdasarkan hasil tes HOTS, banyaknya siswa yang tuntas meningkat dari 0% menjadi 74% (meningkat 74%).

Kata Kunci: pengembangan, bahan ajar, RPP, LKS, karakter, keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi, HOTS

Developing Mathematics Instructional Materials Oriented to Character and Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots)


This research aimed to produce mathematics instructional materials for junior high school grade 8th semester 1 that is valid, practical, and effective for improving the student's character and higher order thinking skill (HOTS). This research was a developmental research consisting of three phases: preliminary phase, designing phase, and developing phase. In the preliminary phase, contexts and problems analysis, literature review, and formulation of learning objectives were conducted. The designing phase consisted of developing the test instrument, determining the instructional strategies, media, and materials, and designing of the initial design of products. At the developing phase, three cycles of formative evaluation were conducted, consisting of product testing, evaluation, and product revision.The instructional materials produced consisted of lesson plans and student worksheets. The results showed that the instructional materials produced are valid, practical, and effective in terms of character and HOTS. The effectiveness of the instructional materials was shown by the results of the character questionnaire and the HOTS test. Based on the results of the character questionnaire, the percentage of students who have minimum good character increased from 78% to 100% (up 22%). Furthermore, based on the results of the HOTS test, the number of students who completed increase from 0% to 74% (up 74%). Keywords: development, instructional materials, lesson plan, student worksheet, character, higher order thinking skill (HOTS)

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