"Perbedaan Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Jarimatika dan Metode Permainan K" by Komariah Komariah and Nurul Pebriyanti


This research is motivated by the lack of variety in the use of learning methods used by educators, which has an impact on the low basic multiplication calculation skills of students. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of finding out whether or not there is a difference in the influence of using the Jarimatika method and the card game method on elementary school students' basic multiplication counting skills. This research uses a quasi-experimental type of experimental method with a Nonequivalent pretest and posttest Control Group Design. The population and sample in this study were class II elementary school students aged between 8 - 9 years who had not studied multiplication material, but had studied addition material as many as 40 students who were determined using the Purposive Sampling technique. The research results obtained show that these two methods have the same effect in improving students' basic multiplication numeracy skills as seen from the difference in pretest and posttest results obtained, namely 24.05 and 25.6. Then, the gainscore results obtained by both were at a medium interpretation level, namely 0.55 and 0.59. It can be concluded that the Jarimatika method and the card game method do not have a different influence in improving basic multiplication counting skills in elementary school students and the influence of both is at a moderate level of interpretation, so that these two methods can be an alternative solution for educators to be applied in the process of learning basic multiplication material that will be carried out in order to improve students' basic multiplication calculation skills.
