"Siapkah Siswa SMP Menghadapi Digital Learning pada Pembelajaran Matema" by Wahyu Setyaningrum, Ponco Handayawati et al.


In this digital era, the world of education is required to keep up with the times. One of them is the application of digital learning. Digital learning is also often applied in mathematics learning. This research aims to map digital literacy competencies in mathematics learning for junior high school students in Purworejo Regency. This type of research is survey with a quantitative approach. This research was conducted at six junior high schools in Purworejo Regency with high, medium, and low strata based on National Mathematics Examination scores. The sample of this study was 171 students of eighth grade junior high school. The sampling technique is stratified proportional random sampling. Data collection was carried out through a digital literacy test consisting of 20 questions in complex multiple-choice. Data analysis uses descriptive statistics and parameter estimation. The research results show that students' digital literacy competence in mathematics learning in general is in the low category. The low level of students' digital literacy skills shows that their readiness to face digital learning in mathematics is also low. This research also discusses how aspects of digital literacy influence students' readiness to face digital learning in mathematics.
