

Dalam perencanaan produksi PT. Pertamina (Persero) TBBM Boyolali, perusahaan tersebut hanya mendistribusikan BBM sesuai dengan permintaan SPBU tanpa melakukan perhitungan matematis apakah pendapatan yang diperoleh sudah optimal dengan semua faktor dan kendala yang ada, seperti harga setiap jenis BBM, jam kerja mesin pengisian BBM di New Gantry System (NGS), moda transport mobil tangki, dan tingkat keselamatan mobil tangki. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan optimasi perencanaan produksi BBM menggunakan metode goal programming agar perusahaan dapat memperoleh pendapatan yang maksimal dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor dan kendala yang ada. Metode goal programming merupakan perluasan dari linear programming yang dapat menyelesaikan optimasi dengan banyak tujuan. Pada penelitian ini, selain dengan fungsi kendala biasa, metode goal programming juga digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang sama ditambah dengan satu fungsi kendala fuzzy, yaitu tingkat keselamatan mobil tangki, yang proses defuzzifikasinya meng­gunakan metode mamdani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, kedua penyelesaian metode goal pro­gramming baik dengan kendala biasa maupun dengan kendala fuzzy memberikan keluaran jumlah BBM dan jumlah pendapatan yang sama, yaitu produk premium () sebanyak 1016 kl, bio solar () seba­nyak 1200 kl, pertamax () sebanyak 596 kl, dan pertalite () sebanyak 1632 kl dengan pendapatan sebesar Rp33.022.000.000,00.

Optimization planning of fuel oil production with fuzzy constraint using goal programming method


In the production planning of PT. Pertamina (Persero) TBBM Boyolali, it only distributes fuel in accordance with the demand for gas stations without performing mathematical calculations whether the revenue obtained was optimal with all the factors and obstacles that exist, such as the price of each type of fuel, working hours of filling machine fuel in New Gantry System (NGS), transport modes of the tank car, and the tank car's safety level. Therefore, this study aims to optimize the production planning using goal programming method so that the company can obtain maximum income by considering the factors and constraints. The goal programming method was an extension of linear programming that can accomplish optimization with many goals. In this study, in addition to the ordinary constraint function, goal programming method was also used to solve the same problem which includes one fuzzy constraint, namely the level of tank car safety, which the defuzzification process using Mamdani method. The result of the study shows that solution of goal programming method both with ordinary and fuzzy constraint give the same amount of fuel output and the same amount of revenue, that is premium () as much 1016 kl, bio diesel () as much 1200 kl, pertamax () as much 596 kl and pertalite () as much 1632 kl with the revenue is Rp33.022.000.000,00.

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