Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan dan perbedaan keefektifan antara model Guided Discovery Learning (GDL) dan model Project- Based Learning (PjBL) ditinjau dari prestasi belajar, kepercayaan diri, dan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa pada matakuliah geometri ruang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dua kelas mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Ahmad Dahlan semester 2 yang dipilih secara acak. Analisis data untuk menguji keefektifan model GDL dan model PjBL ditinjau dari masing-masing variabel terikat menggunakan Uji t. Sedangkan teknik analisis data untuk menguji perbedaan antara keefektifan model GDL dan model PjBL menggunakan Uji MANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, ditinjau dari prestasi belajar, kepercayaan diri, dan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa diketahui bahwa penerapan model GDL pada matakuliah Geometri Ruang efektif, penerapan Model PjBL pada matakuliah Geometri Ruang efektif, dan tidak terdapat perbedaan keefektifan model GDL dan model PjBL pada matakuliah Geometri Ruang.
Kata Kunci: model guided discovery learning, model project-based learning, prestasi belajar, kepercayaan diri, keterampilan berpikir kritis
The Comparisons Between the Effectiveness of the Guided Discovery Learning Model and Project-Based Learning Model on Solid Geometry Subjects
This research aims to describe the effectiveness and effectiveness differences of the Guided Discovery Learning (GDL) Model and the Project Based Learning (PjBL) Model in terms of achievement, self-confidence, and critical thinking skills of students on the Solid Geometry subjects. This research was quasi experimental. The research subjects were two undergraduate classes of Mathematics Education Program, Ahmad Dahlan University, in their second semester, established at random. The data analysis to test the effectiveness of the GDL and PjBL Models in terms of each of the dependent variables used the t-test. The data analysis to test differences between effectiveness of the GDL and that of the PjBL Model used the MANOVA test. The results of this research show that viewed from achievement, self confidence, and critical thinking skills of the students are the application of the GDL Model on Solid Geometry subject is effective, the application of the PjBL Model on Solid Geometry subject is effective, and there is no difference in the effectiveness of GDL and PjBL Models on Solid Geometry subject in terms of achievement, self confidence, and critical thinking skills of the students.
Keywords: guided discovery learning model, project-based learning model, achievement, self-confidence, critical thinking skills
Recommended Citation
Imawan, O. R. (2015). Perbandingan antara Keefektifan Model Guided Discovery Learning dan Project-Based Learning pada Matakuliah Geometri. PYTHAGORAS : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 10(2), 179-188. https://doi.org/10.21831/pg.v10i2.9156