

keterampilan proses, minat belajar, pembelajaran matematika

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perbandingan keterampilan proses siswa dalam mata pelajaran matematika dari dua sekolah, perbandingan minat siswa dalam mata pelajaran matematika dari dua sekolah, serta hubungan antara keterampilan proses dan minat siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini jenis kuantitatif dengan tipe asosiatif dan komparatif. Sampel terdiri dari 70 siswa dari suatu SMP negeri dan 70 siswa dari suatu MTs negeri di daerah Batanghari, Jambi, Indonesia. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purvosive sampling. Data minat dan keterampilan proses dikumpulkan dengan angket yang telah divalidasi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensial dengan paired sample t-test dan pearson correlation test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) terdapat perbedaan keterampilan proses siswa pada pelajaran matematika di kedua sekolah; 2) terdapat pebedaan minat siswa terhadap pelajaran matematika di kedua sekolah, dan 3) terdapat hubungan antara keterampilan proses dan minat siswa terhadap pelajaran matematika. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa keterampilan proses yang baik dan minat yang kuat dalam belajar matematika akan membuat siswa lebih berhasil dalam belajar matematika.


This study aims to reveal the comparison of students' process skills in mathematics between two schools, the comparison of students' interests in mathematics between two schools, and the relationship between process skills and students' interest in mathematics. This was quantitative research with associative and comparative types. The samples were 70 students from a state junior high school and 70 students from a state Islamic junior high school in the Batanghari district, Jambi, Indonesia, established using the purposive sampling technique. The interest and process skill data were collected using a questionnaire, which was valid. The data were analyzed descriptively, and inferentially with paired sample t-test and Pearson correlation test. The result of this study showed that 1) there are differences in students' process skills in mathematics between the two schools; 2) there are differences in students' interest in mathematics between the two schools; and 3) there is a relationship between process skills and students' interest in mathematics for the two schools. It means that good process skills and a strong interest in learning mathematics will make students more successful in learning mathematics.

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