

pembelajaran sibernetik, derive, berpikir kritis, learning sibernetic, critical thinking

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Tujuan penelitian ini diantaranya: (1) menemukan karakteristik perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan, (2) mendeskripsikan kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran, (3) menganalisis keefektifan pembelajaran menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dan (4) menganalisis peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa melalui pengunaan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Research And Development menggunakan model Plomp. Hasil penelitian ini diantaranya: (1) karakteristik perangkat pembelajaran yaitu mengandung komponen kemampuan berpikir kritis dan memanfaatkan TIK, (2) perangkat pembelajaran berkategori sangat valid, (3) efektif diterapkan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran matematika, (4) perangkat pembelajaran melalui teori pembelajaran sibernetik berbantuan software derive dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa

Development of Mathematical Devices Learning Through the Learning Sibernetic Theory to Assisted Derive Software


The purpose of this research including: ( 1 ) find characteristic device learning developed , ( 2 ) described validity device learning , ( 3 ) analyze effectiveness of learning using learning devices developed and ( 4 ) analyzing the improved critical thinking ability of students through the use of a device of learning developed . The method in this research use approach to Research And Development using model Plomp .This research result of them: (1) learning device characteristics i.e. contain components of critical thinking ability and make use of ICT, (2) the very valid category of learning devices, (3) effectively applied in learning activities Mathematics, (4) the learning devices through the learning sibernetic theory to assisted derive software can improve the ability of students mathematical thinking critically

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