

Partai politik Partisipasi politik perempuan Pendidikan politik Partai Nasdem, Political party Women's political participation Political education Nasdem Party

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Partai politik mempunyai kewajiban yuridis dan moral untuk melaksanakan pendidikan politik khususnya memberdayakan kader perempuan di tengah minimnya partisipasi politik perempuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Penentuan informan penelitian melalui teknik non probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengujian keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber data. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendala-kendala pendidikan politik kader perempuan, yakni (1) kendala internal, yang berasal dalam diri kader perempuan; (2) kendala eksternal, stereotip dalam konstruksi sosial budaya masyarakat; (3) keseriusan partai dalam memberdayakan kader perempuan; (4) kelemahan regulasi peraturan perundang-undangan. Partai politik melakukan beberapa upaya untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut melalui pendekatan personal, menggagas konsep tanpa mahar politik; membentuk regulasi internal partai politik yang akomodatif terhadap kebutuhan perempuan.


Political parties have moral as well as juridical obligation to conduct political education especially for women cadres in the low level of political participation among women. It was a qualitative research with descriptive method of explanation. The informant involved was selected with non-probability sampling, purposive sampling. The results reveal the obstacles faced by women cadres are (1) internal obstacles, coming from the cadres themselves; (2) external obstacles, coming from stereotype upholding by among cultural and society members; (3) the seriousness of political party to empower their own women cadres; (4) the weakness of the law concerning this issue. To overcome the problems, political parties is doing effort such as personal approach, politic without political 'bride price' (mahar politik), issuing internal regulation accommodative to the needs of women.

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