

Massa Lemak, Massa Otot, Somatotype, Kesegaran Jasmani, Hockey, fat mass, muscle mass, somatotype, physical fitness, hockey

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Komposisi tubuh yang tidak optimal dapat menurunkan kesegaran jasmani atlet sehingga dapat terjadi penurunan performa ketika bertanding. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan persen lemak tubuh, persen massa otot, dan somatotype dengan kesegaran jasmani pada atlet hockey. Desain penelitian yaitu cross-sectional dengan jumlah subjek 35 atlet di Pelatihan Hockey Universitas Negeri Semarang dan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang dipilih dengan purposive sampling. Data persen lemak tubuh dan persen massa otot diukur menggunakan bioelectrical impedence analysis (BIA). Data somatotype menggunakan metode antropometri Heath-Carter dan data kesegaran jasmani berupa nilai VO2max diambil menggunakan metode Balke. Analisis data menggunakan uji Pearson, Rank Spearman dan uji regresi linier. Sebagian besar atlet hockey (54,3%) memiliki nilai VO2max dengan kategori baik. Nilai persen lemak tubuh terendah 6,8% dan nilai tertinggi 35%. Nilai persen massa otot terendah 23,9% dan nilai tertinggi 40,9%. Nilai rata-rata dari nilai endomorph, mesomorph, dan ectomorph adalah (-0,04)±0,3; 4,2±0,9; dan 2,3±1,2. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara persen lemak tubuh (p<0,001), persen massa otot (p<0,001), nilai endomorph (p<0,001), dan nilai ectomorph (p=0,016) dengan nilai VO2max. Variabel yang paling berkaitan dengan nilai VO2max adalah persen lemak (p<0,001).

Correlation of body composition with physical fitness of hockey athletes


Suboptimal body composition could reduce the physical fitness and performance of athletes. This study analyzed the relationship of percent body fat, percent muscle mass and somatotype on physical fitness in hockey athletes. This study was a cross-sectional study with 35 athletes in Pelatihan Hockey Universitas Negeri Semarang and Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta which selected by purposive sampling. Percent body fat and percent muscle mass were measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Somatotype measurement used the anthropometric Heath-Carter method and physical fitness (VO2max) measurement by the Balke method. Data were analyzed using the Pearson test, Rank-Spearman test, and Linear Regression test. Most hockey athletes (54.3%) had good VO2max value. The lowest percentage of body fat was 6.8%. The highest percentage of muscle mass was 40.9%. The average value of the endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph values were (-0.04) ± 0.3; 4.2 ± 0,9; and 2.3 ± 1.2. There were a significant relationship between percent body fat (p <0.001), percent muscle mass (p <0.001), endomorph value (p <0.001), and ectomorph value (p = 0.016) with VO2max value. Percent of body fat was the most related variable to VO2max (p<0.001).

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