model permainan, perseptual motorik, perilaku sosial, siswa sekolah dasar kelas bawah, game model, perceptual motor, social behavior, under class elementary school students
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model permainan untuk meningkatkan perseptual motorik dan perilaku sosial siswa sekolah dasar kelas bawah yang sesuai, layak, dan efektif. Model permainan ini diharapkan mampu mengembangkan aspek afektif, kognitif, dan psikomotor, serta dapat dipergunakan oleh guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. Ujicoba skala kecil dilakukan terhadap 27 siswa SD N Ambarukmo. Ujicoba skala besar dilakukan terhadap 32 siswa SD N Ngringin dan 34 siswa SD N Puren. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah pedoman pengamatan (observasi), pedoman wawancara, catatan lapangan, skala nilai, lembar penilaian uji efektifitas dan penilaian hasil belajar. Teknik analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian berupa model permainan, yang berisikan 6 model permainan, yaitu: (1) permainan karung berantai, (2) permainan egrang berantai, (3) permainan engklek berantai, (4) permainan balok berantai, (5) permainan kelereng berantai, (6) permainan ban berantai. Model permainan disusun dalam bentuk buku pedoman dan dituangkan dalam bentuk DVD. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian para ahli materi dan praktisi, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa model permainan untuk meningkatkan perseptual motorik dan perilaku sosial siswa sekolah dasar kelas bawah yang didesain berkategori baik, sehingga model permainan telah sesuai, layak, dan efektif untuk digunakan.
Developing Game Model to Improve Perceptual Motor and Social Behavior of Lower Levels Students
This study aims to produce a game model for increasing perceptual motor and social behavior under class elementary school students which is appropriate, suitable, and effective. The game model is expected to be able to develop effective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects, also can be used by teacher in learning process of physical education. Small-scale trial was conducted to 27 students in SD N Ambarukmo. A large trial was conducted to 32 students in SD N Ngringin and 34 students in SD N Puren. The instrument used to collect data were observation guide (observation), interviews guide, field notes, scale values, assessment sheets, an effectiveness test and assessment of the learning outcomes. The data were analyzed using the quantitative descriptive analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research is a game model, including six game models, namely: (1) chained coarse bag game, (2) chained egrang game, (3) chained engklek game, (4) chained block game, (5) chained marble game, (6) chained tube game. The game model is arranged in a guide book and DVD. Based on the evaluation of experts and practitioners, it can be concluded that the game model to increase perceptual motor and social behavior under class elementary school students is categorized good, so that the a game model that has been developed is suitable, effective, and appropriate for use.
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