

model, pengenalan, tenis meja, SD kelas atas, models, introduction, table tennis, elementary school

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Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan model pembelajaran pengenalan teknik dasar tenis meja untuk siswa sekolah dasar kelas atas. Model yang dikembangkan adalah teknik forehand dan backhand yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik siswa SD kelas atas. Model pengenalan teknik dasar tenis meja bertujuan agar digunakan guru dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan belajar mengajar tenis meja untuk siswa SD kelas atas. Penelitian ini terdiri atas dua tahapan yaitu tahap penelitian pendahuluan dan tahap pengembangan. Hasil penelitian berupa pengembangan model pembelajaran pengenalan teknik dasar tenis meja terdiri atas: (1) teknik dasar peganggan, (2) kontrol bola dan (3) teknik dasar memantulkan bola. Model disusun dalam buku panduan berjudul "pengembangan model pembelajaran pengenalan teknik dasar tenis meja siswa SD kelas atas". Berdasarkan penilaian para ahli materi dan guru disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan model pembelajaran pengenalan teknik dasar tenis meja untuk siswa SD kelas atas layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran tenis meja untuk siswa SD kelas atas.

Kata Kunci: model, pengenalan, tenis meja, SD kelas atas

Developing a Learning Model of Introduction to Table Tennis Basic Techniques for Elementary School Upper Class Students


This research aims to produce a model of the introduction to the basic techniques of learning table tennis for elementary school upper class students. The model are developed covering forehand and backhand table tennis, that adapted characteristics of elementary school upper class students. Introduction to the basic model of table tennis techniques was used by the teacher in teaching and learning activities of upper grade students. The development of research carried out by adapting the steps of research development consisting of two stages: preliminary research stage and development stage. The results of the research are a development learning model of the introduction to basic techniques of table tennis consisting of: (1) grip basic technique, (2) Ball control basic technique, and (3) Hit ball basic technique. Models arranged in a handbook entitled "Introduction to basic engineering models of table tennis". Based on the assessment of matter experts and teachers, it can be concluded that the model of learning the basic techniques of table tennis for upper classes is with the curriculum. The model of introduction to basic techniques can develop in learning table tennis for upper grade elementary school students.

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