latihan relaksasi YOCHIHO, diabetes mellitus tipe 2.
Document Type
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model latihan relaksasi gabungan dari latihan Yoga, Tai Chi, dan Makko Ho (YOCHIHO) bagi penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Diharapkan latihan relaksasi ini dapat menaikkan relaksasi otot, memperbaiki kapasitas fisik, dan mengelola kadar glukosa darah pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Penelitian pengembangan ini mengadaptasi langkah-langkah Borg & Gall, sebagai berikut: (1) studi pendahuluan, (2) perencanaan, (3) mengembangkan produk awal (draf produk), (4) validasi ahli, (5) revisi produk I, (6) uji coba skala kecil, (7) revisi produk II, (8) uji coba skala besar, (9) revisi produk final, dan (10) Produk hasil pengembangan. Dalam uji skala kecil (uji keberterimaan) menggunakan metode survei dan uji skala besar (uji kemanfaatan) dengan metode eksperimen menggunakan rancangan one-group pretest-posttes design. Perlakuan latihan relaksasi YOCHIHO dilakukan 2 kali seminggu selama 6 minggu. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensial. Data ordinal (derajat relaksasi otot) dianalisis secara non parametrik mengguna-kan kruskal-wallis test, dilanjutkan dengan U-mann-whitney test, sedangkan data rasio (denyut jantung istirahat, frekuensi nafas, tekanan darah, dan glukosa) dianalisis secara parametrik dengan uji ANOVA, dilanjutkan dengan uji LSD (Least Square Different) dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian berupa model latihan relaksasi YOCHIHO yang sudah divalidasi oleh 3 ahli, terdiri dari 9 gerakan pemanasan, 25 gerakan inti, dan 7 gerakan pendinginan. Latihan relaksasi YOCHIHO dapat diterima oleh penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dan teruji kemanfaatannya untuk meningkatkan relaksasi otot (Numerical Rating Scale), memperbaiki kapasitas fisik (pulse rate, dan tensi meter), dan menurunkan kadar glukosa darah (Easy Touch GCU dan glucose test strips).
This research is aimed to produce combination relaxation training model of yoga, tai chi, and Makko ho training (YOCHIHO) for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This training model is expec-ted to increase muscle relaxation, improve physical capacity, and manage glucose level. The develop-ment of research was adapting the steps as follows: (1) preliminary study, (2) plans, (3) developing initial products (draft product), (4) validation expert, (5) revising products I, (6) smaller-scale trials, (7) revising product II, (8) larger-scale trials, (9) revision of the final product, and (10) products of development. In smaller-scale trials (acceptance test) used survey methods, and larger-scale trials (usefulness test) with the experimental method used the design of one-group pretest-posttest design. YOCHIHO relaxation training was done 2 times a week for 6 weeks. Data were analyzed by descrip-tive and inferential statistics. Ordinal data (degree of muscle relaxation) were analyzed by non-para-metrical using Kruskal-Wallis test, continued with U-mann-Whitney test, while the ratio data (resting heart rate, breath frequency, blood pressure, and glucose) were analyzed by parametric ANOVA test and then continued with LSD (Least Square Different) with a significance level of 0.05. The results of this research indicate that YOCHIHO relaxation training-that have been validated by 3 experts, con-sists of 9 warming-up movements, 25 core movements, and 7 cooling down movements. YOCHIHO re-laxation training can be receive by people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and was tested for usefulness to increase muscle relaxation (Numerical Rating Scale), improves physical capacity (pulse rate and device to measure blood pressure), and lower glucose levels (Easy Touch GCU and glucose test strips). Key words: YOCHIHO relaxation training, type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Page Range
91 - 105
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Recommended Citation
Yanuita, R. E., & Kushartanti, B. W. (2015). PENGEMBANGAN MODEL LATIHAN RELAKSASI YOCHIHO BAGI PENDERITA DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE 2. Jurnal Keolahragaan, 3(1), 91-105.
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