

coordination; accuracy; shooting; futsal

Document Type



Achieving precise kick accuracy and coordinated movements in futsal was essential for competitive success. This study aimed to evaluate the differences between various futsal training approaches that incorporated distinct coordination exercises involving manipulative movements, specifically assessing their impact on kick accuracy. A quasi-experimental design with a control group was employed, focusing on shooting skills within the futsal context. The population consisted of 70 members from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur (UMKT) futsal team, from which 40 players were purposively selected based on their participation duration of over six months and their tier status within the university's core teams. Participants were divided into two groups: one received static coordination training (control group), and the other underwent dynamic coordination training (experimental group), each comprising 20 players. The intervention spanned 18 sessions, including pre- and post-tests. Data were collected through a modified shooting kick test at the futsal goal, utilizing a point distribution system. Analysis revealed significant differences in kick performance between the two training methods, with dynamic coordination training yielding superior results (t-count = 3.010 > t-table = 2.024). These findings indicated that dynamic coordination exercises were more effective than static ones in enhancing futsal kick accuracy. Future research should have considered expanding the population and sample size to include amateur players, introducing additional variables and diverse training methodologies, extending training duration and frequency, conducting long-term evaluations, measuring shooting technique quality, and employing quantitative research methods. By addressing these suggestions, subsequent studies could contribute more comprehensively to the understanding of effective training strategies in futsal.





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