

pembelajaran bolabasket, metode pendekatan taktik

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran bolabasket melalui metode pendekatan taktik pada siswa kelas VIIIC SMP Negeri 2 Pandak Bantul. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Objek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIIIC SMP Negeri 2 Pandak, Bantul berjumlah 36 siswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui: (1) observasi hasil belajar bolabasket dengan model pendekatan taktik, (2) observasi kelas terhadap guru, (3) observasi terhadap situasi kelas, (4) observasi terhadap perilaku siswa, dan (5) tes pengetahuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran bolabasket dilakukan melalui metode pendekatan taktik pada siswa kelas VIIIC SMP Negeri 2 Pandak, Bantul ada peningkatan. Pembelajaran bolabasket dengan pendekatan taktik siswa kelas VIIIC selama 2 siklus meningkatkan keterampilan proses dalam bermain bolabasket dengan pendekatan taktik. Berdasarkan penilaian pada akhir siklus I, rata-rata nilai siswa 72,8. Pada akhir siklus II rata-rata nilai siswa meningkat menjadi 78,0, sehingga telah melampaui KKM 71. Sedangkan jumlah siswa yang tuntas saat siklus I sebanyak 17 orang (47%) ke siklus II menjadi 33 orang (96%) maka telah melampaui ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 75%. Ketuntasan klasikal dari sisi pengetahuan dapat dinyatakan sebagai berikut: hasil pretest: 16,67%, siklus I: 91,67%, dan siklus II: 100%. Rekapitulasi hasil lembar observasi perilaku siswa dalam pembelajaran pada siklus I sebesar 2,8 meningkat menjadi 3,8 pada siklus II, lembar observasi guru pada siklus I sebesar 2,9 meningkat menjadi 3,7 pada siklus II dan situasi kelas pada siklus I sebesar 2,7 meningkat menjadi 3,7 pada siklus II.



This study aims to improve basketball learning through the tactics approach method among Grade VIIIC students of SMP Negeri 2 Pandak Bantul. This was a classroom action research (CAR) study consisting two cycles. The research subjects were 36 Grade VIIIC students of SMP Negeri 2 Pandak, Bantul. The data were collected through: (1) observations on the basketball learning out-comes using the tactics approach method, (2) classroom observations on the teacher, (3) observations on classroom situations, (4) observations on students' behaviors, and (5) a cognitive test. The results of the study revealed that there was an improvement in basketball learning through the tactics approach method among Grade VIIIC students of SMP Negeri 2 Pandak, Bantul. Basketball learning through the tactics approach method among Grade VIIIC in 2 cycles improved the process skills in playing basketball game with the tactics approach. Based on the assessment at the end of Cycle I, the students' average score was 72.8. At the end of Cycle II, their average score improved to 78.0, so it was above the Minimum Mastery Criterion (MMC), i.e. 71. Meanwhile, the number of students who attained MMC in Cycle I was 17 (47%), and in Cycle II it became 33 (96%); this was above the class mastery, i.e. 75%. The class mastery from the cognitive aspect could be explained as follows: from the pretest results, the mastery was 16.67%, in Cycle I it was 91.67%, and in Cycle II it was 100%. The recapitulation from the observations on the students' learning behaviors in Cycle I was 2.8, improving to 3.8 in Cycle II; that from the observations of teachers in Cycle I was 2.9, improving to 3.7 in Cycle II; and the class situation in Cycle I was 2.7, improving to 3.7 in Cycle II. Keywords: basketball learning, tactics approach method

Page Range

186 - 196





Digital Object Identifier (DOI)





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